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One day Gabby was playing with her dolls until something hit her on her head 1 hour later she was inside of her dollhouse all of her dolls where surrounding her so Gabby screamed as loud as she could the dolls jump back in fear one of the dolls said hi my name is Elizabeth that's what you named me another doll spoke up my name is Jason my name is Teresa my name is Jake Gabby asked why was she inside of her dollhouse and how could her dolls speak Elizabeth told her the whole story in every doll there's always a good side none of the dolls are ever mad but one of the dolls hits you in the back of your head with a frying pan you know the doll that looks like you that your parents got you for your ninth birthday she hit you with that frying pan she wants to be you so as long as you're trapped in this dollhouse you'll be a doll and she will be you I need to get my body back right now I'm supposed to be going to my dad's birthday party I need to get my body back is there any way that I can get it back Gabby said sorry there's no way but I do have a book that might be able to give you back your body you have to trust me though that's exactly what the book says you have to trust me okay fine I'll do anything to get my body back just hurry up and get the book okay okay stop rushing me mom can you put Gabby on a fresh pot of tea sure honey okay I have the book are you ready to look into it and see if you can get your body back I will do anything to get my body back right now it says that you have to leave signs wherever you go so then the doll Wisher can give you back your body if you don't leave signs wherever you go in the next 5 hours the doll will be inside of your body for the rest of her life and you will be trapped in the dolls body for the rest of your life Gabby saw a little print at the bottom of the page if you light candles and say the dolls name one time the doll will grant you any wish you want she said to Elizabeth Elizabeth looked confused what's the dolls name looks like the dolls name is Jessica they lit candles in a circle and called the dolls name one time Jessica the doll came out what do you need I have to Grant you one wish what will that wish be I want my normal body back right now your wish will be granted just say what you want your wish to be when you want it and then you will have your normal body back thank you thank you so much Jessica you are so nice all in a day's work bye Gabby said these words I wish to have my normal body back sparkle started surrounding Gabby then she is back in her normal body the doll that snuck into Gabby's body was put in the trash second that Gabby went into her body

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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