Chapter 4

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Today is another beautiful day and today my dad is taking me out he calls it bonding time.

So I got out of bed and did my usual hygiene then i got dressed in some skinny  jeans and a top.

I slipped on my sandals and I grabbed my phone and went downstairs where everyone was.

" Good morning sweetheart how did you sleep last night " said mama T.

" Good morning mama T I slept well last night as usual " I said.

" That's great sweetheart I'm glad you are sleeping better I hope you didn't have any nightmares " said mama T.

" No maam and I hope not I dont want to have any at all " I said.

" Good morning baby girl how are you " said dad.

" Good morning daddy I'm good " I said I'm loving the bond my father and I are creating I hope it lasts forever.

" That's great baby girl now let's do some bonding time with each other " said dad.

" Ok daddy let's do some bonding time because I need it sense I have a father " I said.

" Ok what is your favorite color baby girl " said dad.

" Its purple daddy you would see that my phone is purple  daddy " I said .

" What is your whole name baby girl and are you name after me " said dad well I am named after him and my mom somewhat.

" Both you and mom and my name is Lauryn Kaya Tate " I said yep I'm named after both parents anyhow.

" Favorite restaurant to go to baby girl " said dad .

" Well I would say Applebees and Red Lobster are my favorite restaurants " I said .

" Ok baby girl so as a concern parent is there anything that your mom or anyone bad did to you " said dad.

" I was rapwd when I was thirteen mom watched the guy rape me and she didn't do anything " I said.

" Oh my goodness well your safe now baby girl I will protect you baby girl ok " said dad.

" Daddy  she allowed him to rape me she was right there when I was yelling mommy help me she did nothing she abused me I would have bruises all over me " I said.

" Wow well God had a plan when he brought you  here and he will make sure that you are safe and I will too baby girl " said dad.

" Thank you daddy for being there for me " I said.

" Your welcome baby girl and I will be here for you  no matter what and you can ask me any question as well" said dad.

" Ok daddy so if I fight in school and get suspended what will happen if it happens " I said I wanted to know so that it wont happen.

" Well I would whoop your behind and you would be grounded and your phone would be taken away" said dad.

" But what if that person started it first and was getting to me because that has happened before to me " I said.

" Well you would still get a whooping and also you would still be grounded younglady so don't fight " said dad.

" ok I will try not to but i cannot promise you that i wont fight daddy because sometimes them girls be trying you " i said.

" Lauryn if you fight I will whoop your behind you understand me and also do not back talk me because I will punch you in your mouth " said dad.

" Ok daddy I heard you so what if I got like a D in my tests what will happen if it happens not saying that it will " I said.

" Well I will also whoop your behind because your father isnt a dumb person so you shouldn't be either ok so I would also tell you to study hard " said dad.

" Ok daddy I understand so next question can I have a boyfriend " I said.

" Absolutely not young lady you ain't dating until you forty understood you ain't gone be having no boyfriend or I will shoot him" said dad.

" Just wow oh my goodness that us so long way ahead wow daddy that ain't fair I'm telling mama T on you " I said.

" My wife can't do nothing to me and your my child ok so get it right " said dad.

" Mama T daddy doing me in he says I cant have a boyfriend until I'm forty and that's not fair " I yelled.

" Larenz Tate  stop it right now before I call papa Larry for your behind " said mama T.

" Babe why you gone call my dad huh I'm a grown ass man babe what will my pops do spank me " said dad.

" I'm sure he would whoop your behind now leave Lauryn alone she is just curious do you think she would actually fight babe " said Mama T.

" I mean she could depends on the situation at school she better not fight anyhow I'm not playing " said dad.

" Daddy why are you getting mad school hasn't opened yet anyhow " I said.

" Lauryn Tate  don't try me younglady don't get embarrassed " said dad.

" But daddy I was just curious I wasn't trying to make you angry at all " I said.

" Lauryn Tate what did I say younglady huh didn't I tell you not to try me huh you are very stubborn younglady " said dad.

I just got up and went to my room I sat on my bed with tears streaming down my face ugh why did I have to get in a fight with my dad.

" Awe sweetheart your dad didn't mean it he loves you dearly and he is overprotective of you because your his baby girl " said Mama T.

I just sat there crying in her arms I got into my first argument with my dad and it was horrible I didnt mean for him to get angry with me.

" But mama he got irritated with me I was just curious as to why even if I didn't start the fight and he just got mad at me for no reason " I said still crying.

" Baby I will talk with your dad and tell him how you are feeling ok " said mama T.


Larenz POV

" Babe your daughter was just curious she didn't mean to make you mad or anything " said my wife.

" Babe all those questions I told her if she fights I would whoop her behind " I said.

" I told her that you love her and your overprotective of her because she is your one and only baby girl " said my wife.

" Baby I didn't mean to make her cry at all what can I do to make her on my good side again " I said.

" Well you can go right now on any site order flowers , shoes , candy you can go Walmart and get candies for her spoil her for what you did " said my wife.

" I'll order some stuff hopefully they come tonight or early tomorrow morning "I said.

I ordered the roses and they were purple and white then I ordered her four pairs of jordans and Nike.

I got some edible arrangements for her as well then I would take her on a shopping spree tomorrow.


The chapter ended in Larenz pov yall.

He about to spoil Lauryn

That will all be in the next chapter

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