the first day of school

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Chase's POV: I woke up on morning, around sunrise, before the devil of my home woke me up in a rude way. I went to the bathroom and took a nice long warm shower to wake up. I didn't wake my brother up, other wise he would be asking me questions, but I didn't want him to bare what that devil does. I finished my shower and dried off, as my little brother woke up and hugged me. I hugged him back and got him in a bath. I picked out my clothes and his, and came back to him. As my lil brother died off, we heard a loud banging noise. I didn't want Shinezer to get hurt. I picked out his name on the day he was born. I brace for the de-


Chase: DANG IT DAD!!!! You scared us!!! I thought you were mom!!!!
Yes, my mother is the devil in our kingdom. Shinezer stays with me on my dad's orders. I took care of him for most of his life. Our father, Mortem, was the only person who cared for me and Shinezer.

Mortem: rushes into the bathroom You both okay?

Chase: Yes dad, we're fine.

???: I pick up the phone and call Chase's dad to let him know that school is starting

Mortem: answer my phone hello?

???: hello this is the head master of magic Academy High School I was calling to let you know that chase has been accepted into the school so if you don't mind can you let him know so he can come or you can drop him off whatever one you prefer and make sure he has a few things paper pencils and class will be starting at 6:00

Mortem: Thank you sir. Hold on one moment. hands the phone to Chase It's for you son

Chase: takes the phone from Dad's hands, looking confused Hello? This is Chase speaking

Chase's POV: I was really nervous. This was the first call my dad let me answer OR take.This was new to me, so I was a nerve wreck

???: hello I am the Headmaster of the magic Academy High School

Chase: O-oh, hello. S-sorry if I sound nervous. I'm new to the whole calls thing. May I ask why your calling?

???: you will need pencils paper your notebook and your school textbooks you can get them at Northwood Valley

Chase: writes them down with the location I got some textbooks from my visit at Northwood Mountain 4 months ago, would those work?

???: well if they're the same year as the new textbooks they should be accurate enough

Chase: blinks I think I got over 3 years of them

???:yes that should be sufficient

Chase:Okay, anything else I need?


Chase:Okay. So, that all I need?

???: well how are you going to be getting the school are you going to get here by yourself or are you having your dad to drop you off

Chase:How far is the school?

???: if I may ask what kingdom are you in

Chase: The Skywind kingdom, where most wind magic users live.

???:okay you're basically 10 minutes away but now can I speak to your father

Chase: hands the phone back to dad

Mortem: Yes? Is everything okay? My son looks like he's in a panic attack

???: yeah but I do want to ask as your son's Powers came in and get because we do need to measure how strong they are when he gets here

Mortem: why do you need to know how strong his magic is?

???: we check their magic level so we know how strong they are even though they can grow more with experience get more stronger but if you're not at that level sir there are some events classes you cannot take we do it just for their safety did your son tell you what he wanted to be when he grew up because I can tell you if he needs event class

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