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Rocky's pov: I was getting ready with Chase, Zuma, and Marshall as we, + plus the school, were going to help Marshall in the battle

Marshall: I hold up my hand, trying to make a fireball, but the fire went out. I guess good old hand-to-hand combat for me

Chase: need a hand marsh? *walks up and puts my hands over Marshall's

Marshall: I roll my eyes as I jumped out the window and landed on the ground as I was running throughout the city as I grab two children that was into get crushed by debris before putting them in a safe place I hate being babied I said as I quickly get in front of four of the citizens that were always bullying me who are you and what do you want are you part of the dark dragons armies

Dark dragon guard 1: we've come for the one who brings the jewel of wind flames

Marshall: y'all thought it was wise to come into my kingdom and start a fight with me

Dark dragon guard 4: The aura comes in this kingdom, and we know you're weak now

Skye: air cutter, I said, hitting one of the Warriors with a razor-sharp slice of air as I landed on the ground

Dark dragon guard 3: What the

Marshall: it took you long enough to Chase Skye beat you out here. You two handle things here. I'm going to go further into town

Chase: Marshall, take this * tosses Marshall a black collar with a red flame* it should boost your fire powers temporarily

Marshall: Chase, if you want to be kinky, just say it. I said as the dark dragon Warriors was looking at me, their mouths dropped even my own citizens, and Sky just had the face that was saying seriously

Skye: And you learn how to control your hormones

Chase: You think I go kinky 24/7? * adjust my bracelets before spinning a kick to blast most of the drak dragon warriors out of the kingdom* I know my limits and what I need for boost

Marshall: yeah yeah yeah whatever right now, I can't even make a fireball, so this will be useless

Chase: Don't say it before trying it.

Marshall: I start running off

----Meanwhile, back with Rocky----

P.o.v Rocky was in the Town Square fighting alongside the guards as Zuma was on the other side of town

Rocky: I was standing back to back with a lion guard from the dark Fire Kingdom as he was being a smartass and told me not to get myself killed

Lion guard: Don't get yourself killed, mutt. Can't have the prince see that to happen

Rocky: Whatever you say, big kitty, I said, jumping over the lion as I hit a few of the guards with Nature's Vines

Lion guard: *slams my ax to the ground to hit the rest with a powerful earthquake

Rocky: here comes some more I said as I grabbed one by their head and slimming them to the ground I'm getting real tired of this now Lion if you don't want to die I advise you to quickly find cover

Lion guard: * slices 7 of the dark dragons heads off* like wise to you, pup

Rocky:Gaia, ancient, slumber no more!
Unleash your fury, forevermore!
Earth rend, skies crack, oceans roar!
Let the elements forevermore
Consume this world, a cleansing pyre!
Stone, wind, and fire, my will conspire!
From mountain's peak to ocean's floor,
Let madness reign, forevermore!" Mother Nature's Madness," I said as Vines erupt from the ground, scattering everywhere, grabbing warriors after warriors that were on the dark dragons team

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