Chapter 1

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Chapter One //

The loud buzzing of the phone work me up. I opened my eyes and read the bright red numbers on the clock. I rolled onto my side and grabbed the phone off the dresser and pressed it to my ear, "Whoever the hell is calling me at 3:00 in the morning better have a god damn good reason-"

"Hello, Ms. Rhodes, this is Dr. Stevens from the Methodist Hospital."

"oh shit shit shit, I mean not shit," I shuddered, sitting up straight in my bed pushing the strands of hair out of my face. " Yes, how may I help you?" I asked

"We have a patient her by the name Elizabeth Clark, she's in critical condition and you seem to be the only person on her emergency contact list so we need you down here to sigh some papers"

"What happened?" I yelled.

"Ma'am, please calm down, We need you down here as quick as possible."

"I'm on my way."


The inside of the hospital was chaotic, people running around asking for help, people crying &
doctors soothing the patients I'm guessing that just received bad, heartbreaking news. It was almost like a movie, a girl rushes inside the hospital, stands at the door and looks around while everything moves in slow motion. But unlike the movie everything was moving to fast way to fast and I couldn't seem to move my feet or wrap my head around everything that was happening. I was laying in my bed what seemed like seconds ago and now I was standing in front of the hospital doors going to see my best friend of 7 years not knowing if she was dead or alive. Critical condition could mean anything she could literally only had minutes to live.

I rushed to the front desk and asked for Elizabeth Clark, the lady that sat behind the desk seemed to be in her early forties, the bags under her eyes could tell you that she's been sitting behind that desk for way to long. 

I stopped at the wooden door the lady at the front desk told me to, 248. I froze, I didn't know what to do and because of this reason I could move my feet or bring my hand up to the doorknob. But I had to, I had to have hope that she would be in there making better progress than she was making when I was on the phone with Dr Stevens. I brought my hand up to the doorknob and turned. What I seen in front of me crushed every single ounce of hope I had. Her long blonde hair wasn't noticeable with the white bandage wrapped around her head. A long wound ran down her face, even though it was stitched up it still looked horrible. Her eyes were purple. A clear tube was coming out of her throat, and a needle was sticking out of her arm. 

"Elizabeth" I chocked. I staggered towards her and grabbed her hand in my palm. "What happened to you?" I cried. 

"You must be Fall Rhodes." A deep voice called from behind me, making me turn around dropping Elizabeth's hand. 

"What happened to her?" I asked, completely ignoring him. Whiping the tears from my eyes, I turned back around to face Elizabeth. 

"She was in a car accident, and her car flipped." His answer short.

"She's gonna be okay right, she's gonna be fine," I said while turning around in my chair and standing up. I whipped the tears that had fallen unnoticeable down my face, "tell me she's gonna be okay." I demanded. I looked Dr. Stevens into his lifeless grey eyes. "Please." I whispered. 

"I'm sorry Ms. Rhodes but her head damage is pretty severe. The only thing keeping her alive is that machine." He said while looking down, breaking our eye contact. A sobbed escaped my mouth and then the tears feel free, "Dammit." I muttered. I let my hand slid down her face as I cried more. I whipped my eyes once more. 

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