Chapter One

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Beep! Beep! Beep! SLAM!

"Shut up you stupid alarm!" I yelled as I looked at the time. 7 a.m., I sigh like always time to get up. I walk to my closet and grab the obnoxious yellow dress that I was barely able to afford and slip it on. I walk downstairs and grab a piece of bread and toast it before heading out the door and walk to Ouran while eating my roasted, toasted, bread.

I am what rich people refer to as a 'commoner'. It just means I don't suck on a silver spoon and beg my daddy for things because we can't afford them. I honestly don't mind being poor, but the amount of veins that have popped from going to Ouran Academy for the 'rich and beautiful' is ten times more than if I would have gone to regular high school.

I make it to Ouran and stand next to the pee baby fountain staring at the pink building in which I attend school. God, I wish I would have gone to Shiratorizawa instead, but if I want the best career I can get I must go to this monstrosity. I stride forward to the big doors, I try my best to mentally prepare myself for it through those doors.

'Deep breaths, (y/n). Deep breaths'

I push through the doors. I tried to prepare myself, but there was no preparing me for what would transpire today...

As soon as I step through the doors I quickly try to walk past the small groups of people talking and go to my first class. I avoid any eye contact at all, trying to stay small and invisible to the mean rich girls and the manipulative rich boys.


"Where do you think you're going?" An all too familiar snobby voice snides. I look up and see the exact people I was trying to avoid.

"Did you really think you would get away with bumping into me yesterday?" Her stupid voice resonates in my ear again. I stand up tall, staring her dead in the eye. If I back down from this treatment once, it will get worse.

"One, you bumped into me. Two, I am just as, if not more, disgusted by the fact that you are even breathing the same oxygen as me," I said with as much confidence as I could muster. These girls still terrify the hell out of me.

"I'm sorry, what was that commoner? Did you just talk to me? You know I could buy your house and bulldoze it, right? So, shut your mouth before I shut it for you," she replies glaring at me like I burned her new designer top. Suddenly she looks like she has an idea, and her glare subsides.

"You know I'm feeling generous today, so I'll let it slide this time." She says smiling at me menacingly. I know that she is just saving my 'punishment' for later.

"Buh-bye!" She says in baby talk and her and her clique walk past me. Not before one of her goons slams my books down making them scatter across the floor.

"Filthy commoner!" They laugh and snicker. I stand in a daze in the middle of the hallway as I hear the clacking of their heels on the floor slowly dissipate. The hall was empty now everyone had rushed to class already. I look down at my books and papers sighing as I bend down and begin to pick them up.

'Why am I the ragdoll they chose to throw around and tug on?'

As I am picking up my books, I can't help but slump down on my knees and stop for a moment.

'It's not fair.'

I stare at the books, I felt my face getting warm and my eyes tearing up.

'I won't waste my tears on those jerks.'

And yet, I start to feel the tears I was trying so hard to hold back roll down my face. I grip the books I plucked from the floor and had placed in my lap. I watched as the drops landed on the books hardcover. One, two, three, four, I couldn't make them stop falling. Then I see a hand gently placed over mine. My grip on the books loosens at their touch, and for the moment my tears stop flowing.

"Are you okay? No one should be treated that way," he says. I can tell from the voice it's a guy. I look up slowly seeing a handsome boy with blonde hair and the most gorgeous violet eyes. I stare at him in awe, this complete stranger has shown me kindness in the halls of Ouran no less.

"I-I, yeah I'm okay," I reply. He raises a hand, and touches my face to wipe my tears away. Normally I would feel uncomfortable with even a little bit of physical contact, but for some reason when he did; I felt time stop and my worries melt away. He takes his hand back and starts to pick up my books.

"That's good, I wouldn't want a princess as sweet as you to be upset," he says calmly as he continues to pick up my stuff. I snap out of la la land, and start picking up as well. We gathered all of my supplies, and I realized that I was still sitting on the floor. The boy hands me my stuff and offers me a hand. I took his hand gingerly, to which he pulled me up.

"Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Tamaki Suoh. Might I ask yours?" He says, he sure is smooth for a high school student.

"My name is (y/n) (l/n)," I reply.

"(y/n)... A lovely name for a lovely princess," he says staring into my eyes. It feels like he is staring into my soul. Just as I am about to reply the bell tolls signaling that class has started and we are now late.

"Well princess, as much as I want to continue chatting, I have to go now," I didn't realize he was still holding my hand until I felt the warmth drift away. "If you want, I have club activities in Music Room #3 after school. You can visit me then, just tell Kyoya your name then we can talk more. For now this is goodbye, I hope to see you in Music Room #3!" Just like that he turns heel and walks down the hall to class. I watch his retreating figure until I can no longer see him. I sigh in relief and anguish. In relief that I am alone now and anguish because my teacher is going to kill me for being late. Also...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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