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After I posted the picture on insta, I took a nap cause I was really tired. And about a couple hours later I was woken up by Bryce.

"wake up it's party time" he yelled

"wtf, no it's not I'm tired"

"jk, were gonna go eat dinner"

"like right now?"

"yes, let's go" he said pulling my arm

"ok ok no need to pull me" I said getting up

"im going like this"

"ok i don't care"

"also what's up with your friends"

"idk, why" he asked confused

"most of them simp for me" I said

"it's fine i'll tell them not to"

"umm ok, who's going with us" I asked putting on my Air Forces

"just josh, blake, griff, and noah" he said

"and myself obviously" he chuckled

"ok" I said putting on my last shoe.

"hurry up, hungry" he whined

"shut up bryce I'm done" I said running out of the room and down the stairs.

"why tf are you running?" josh asked

"idk" I said going down the last stair. But then I tripped. As I was about to fall but noah catches me.

"omg thanks" I said blushing in embarrassment and pulling away from him

"no problem" he smiles

"i ship" josh said

"no no, no shipping my cousin with other guys" bryce said going down the stairs

"ok, let's just leave already" griff said

"i agree" I said making my way to the door

We all finally made it outside and we were standing in front on griff's car. 

"umm, so how are we.... gonna fit?" I asked

"your gonna have to sit on someone's lap" griff said

"ahh, i guess, I started now everyone get in the car"

When they all went inside the car. Josh, Blake , and Noah were in the back.

"come on sophia, im hungry" bryce yelled

"ok ok" i said, just laying on all of them.

"wtf, your suppose to sit down stupid" josh yells, whilst Noah closes the car door.

"leave me alone" i said going on my phone.

We finally get to boa steakhouse, which Bryce fucking loves.

"ok, we're here now everyone get out" bryce yells

"we'll help me stupid"

"oh yea" he said getting out of the car and helping me.

We all finally get out of the car and go into boa. They then seat us and whilst we're waiting for them to take our order we all get to know each other. And then the waiter comes.

"how are you guys doing" the waiter said with a really cute smile

"good and you" i said smiling back

"good, so what would you guys like to drink?" he said and then we told him.

"ok ill be right back with your guys drinks" he said walking away

my cousins friend|Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now