My First

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His foots steps clearly audible from the downstairs. He sighed as his foots reached the door that he wanted to go in. He only took ten minutes from the lobby to the fifth floor before someone noticed his move.

"Hey..." She waved at him and threw a grin. "Anyway, aren't you new here?"

He nodded slightly showed an awkward behavior towards her. "Soojung. My name is Soojung. Nice to meet you," She smiled a bit since she realized to made him acted so awkward.

Ugh. I know, right. I shouldn't have to greet him. He looks so weird though..

"Erm.. It's nice to meet you too. My name is Jonghyun. Lee Jonghyun. And, yeah.. I'm new here," He explained and bowed a bit. And still, he looked so awkward.

"Yeah, I'm Soojung. Jung Soojung.. heheh," she giggled slightly as her hand scratched her hair that wasn't itchy. What an awkward behavior. "Ah, I think I need to go to somewhere. Good morning, and hope we can see each other very often," She ended the very awkward conversation and continued her steps leaved Jonghyun alone.

He sighed after Soojung left him. What a weird girl. Phew.. He mumbled and jogged towards his own dorm. He dashed to his room and looked really upset after opened the door. What the hell..

"Who the heck stole my precious guitar? duh. I know right, I shouldn't have to trust Minhyuk. He's such a really careless person!" He yelled while muss his room. Quickly he grabbed his phone and dialed Minhyuk's phone.


"Minhyuk! Kang Minhyuk.. how dare you didn't lock the door huh? Luckily I ran back to the dorm after you leaved. Now, I should call the security.."

"What? What happened, huh?"

"My guitar! did you forget about a guitar that I bought in Japan? Someone stole my guitar!" He yelled on the phone and blowed his fist on the table.

"Wha.. What? Really? HAHA Uh huh hm.." Minhyuk stammer but his hand covered his mouth tried to stifled his laugh. Jonghyun didn't know that Minhyuk used his guitar after he left and Minhyuk kept the guitar in the cupboard.

"Hey, are you still there?"

"Hm. Yes I am.. but Jonghyun, to be honest I.. I used your guitar and saved it in the cupboard and I forgot to tell you, so.."

"WHAT? really?! wait a second, I'll check it dude!" Jonghyun scouted in the cupboard and left his phone on the bed. "What a relief," he sighed and cameback to his phone.

"Thank you dude, you saved my life. I don't even know what to do if i lost my guitar so.. Thank you so much!" He thanked Minhyuk and almost ended the conversation.

"Hey, wait.. if my guitar is here, then who unlocked the door?" Jonghyun asked to Minhyuk.

"Sorry again for didn't tell you this.. so, my girlfriend. Uhm I meant, my crush. She went to our dorm earlier, I asked her to bring my bag since she lived not far from our dorm. She probably forgot to locked the door," he explained.

"Is she.. Soojung?"

"Yes! How could you know her name? I even didn't tell you about her!?"

"Yeah, we met once time. It was, this morning.."

"Alright dude.. Isn't she beauty? haha. You should find your crush! Eyy don't be shy, hyung. You shoulda get over me," he teased Jonghyun and chuckled playfully. "Nah, I gotta go, or Soojung gonna mad at me.. haha have a nice day ahead!"

"Yeah.. you too, Minhyuk," he ended the conversation, leaned his hand on the mirror and mumbled.

Kang Minhyuk, how can he fell in love with a weird girl like.. Soojung? Is she too kind or what. She's just too brave to greet someone. Meanwhile me.. I think Minhyuk was right. I should find my own girl. Since I haven't dated anyone. Yeah..


Soojung was so happy since Minhyuk treated her well. They only met in the college and luckily they were in the same class. So they could met very often. And can't deny that they might be like to each other in the future. But, as we know Minhyuk liked her first.

Minhyuk and Jonghyun were a best friend ever since. They decided to move to the apartment next to their college so they didn't have so much time to reached their apartment.

"I should go to the market know, thanks for today and.. i'm sorry about the door accident," she grinned. "It was okay Jung, since my friend isn't a hard person.. he forgives easily," he chuckled a bit as he imagined what kind of boy Jonghyun was. Of course not all of his statement were true. He suddenly remembered how Jonghyun's feature is. The way Jonghyun behavior when he was mad, upset, and distracted.

"Well, good bye.. and see you tomorrow!" she smiled at him and waved.

"Good bye, Soojungie.." he replied her wave.

She stepped her foots slowly and stared at the sky.

Lee Jonghyun.. what kind of boy is he? He's weird yet also a good looking. Did he come here alone? Ah no.. he's Minhyuk's friend.

Suddenly Soojung stopped her foots and slapped her own cheeks.

What the hell. How could i think about this so far.. Is Minhyuk not enough for me, huh. Gosh, why am I so childish.

She shrugged and continued her steps and bought foods for her and of course, her older sister. All the way to the apartment she only thought about two different story. It was about Jonghyun and about Minhyuk. Soojung seemed comfortable with Minhyuk even though Minhyuk didn't confessed yet. And, Jonghyun. She accidentally greeted Jonghyun since he's a good looking boy, but that wasn't the point.

Or probably I, attracted to two guys in one time. Hahaha.. Soojung. It can't be.


Uhm hello. Yeah.. this is my first story. And i hope there are lot of people want to read my story since i'm a beginner. And my story is kinda random because i hadn't prepared it yet. I'm a beginner, this is my first time wrote a fan fiction which is use English language. My English isn't that good. I don't know that my grammar is correct or no since i'm still learning. Heheh xD Kindly give me suggestions, critics, or even compliments and i'd love to appreciate it. And it would improve my skill too, right? haha. And don't forget to comment and uhm thank you for reading! i'll continue the new chapter asap. xoxo

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