You and your rival Katsuki Bakugo have feelings for each other and soon become friends but your friendship turns to something more over time
(Author/ meh: sorry if this description don't make since)
Y/n pov Y/n: As I drag myself out of bed i go to look in the mirror and out of my horror i see my left cheek bruised and a littke swollen but like every other time i put my foundation over the bruised cheek got dresses and went to school of course i brung my makeup with me just incase the bruses showed while at school when I get to school I walked to class being about 10 minutes early but that how early you usually get to class when I walk into class Mina is just starring at me like she knew something was wrong "hey Mina" I said walking to her "hey y/n" she said back pulling me out of the class room into the bathroom Mina's pov Mina: I was waiting for y/n to get here suddenly I see her walk through the door I see that her lefts cheek was a little swollen I just stare at her knowing something is wrong suddenly I hear her say "hi Mina" I say "hey y/n" back as I pull her out of the classroom into the bathroom Y/n's pov Y/n: "why did you pull me in here Mina" I ask shocked "y/n I'm not stupid take the makeup off now y/n" shit I think she noticed my cheek well here goes nothing I take the makeup remover wipes out of my bag and wipe the makeup off revealing the bruises on my face Mina gasped in shock of what she had seen on her best friends face three bruises on her face was revealed "oh my god y/n what happened" she shouted "o-oh I fell" I stuttered " y/n I'm not stupid" she said dragging me out of the bath room to the class room with the bruises still revealed when we got to the class the whole class gasped in shock when they seen my face that's when mr Aizawa pulled me out of the classroom "y/n what has happened to your face" he exclaimed "my parents" I mumbled loud enough to hear me "your parents" he said I just nodded my head bursting out in tears me Aizawa hugged me and we went back into the classroom as I wiped my tears off my face Mina came and hugged me "Mina it's not a big deal" I say "I deal with this every day I'm used to it" I whispered.
Cliffhanger also I cried while writhing g this
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(this is what the bruises in your face loock like but on your cheek)