3. Single-Student-Opportunity

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Chapter 3-Single-Student-Opportunity

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Chapter 3-Single-Student-Opportunity

I could feel my mother bristling in her seat on my left but I completely ignored her.

"This is an arrangement for your transfer from this school after you pass your annuals with an excellent GPA." Principal Hopkins started to speak but before she could go any further, another voice filled with utter mockingness drawled out in the middle.

"Basically, she's telling you to get lost." My mother commented with a snicker and made no move to hide it.

Despite my internal annoyance, I just listened to her without any change of expression on my face, completely used to her talking style.

But Principal Hopkins closed her eyes in defeat, while the others just pursed their lips or shooked their heads.

Continuing my ignorance to her, I opened the file to read the first page.

And what first came in view was a golden logo.

A shield. An eagle with its wings majestically spread out of the shield as though, trying to fly out of its cage. And a proud crown resting upon the rim.

It spoke of freedom.

As if the noble creature was clawing out for freedom and fly away from under that heavy crown and enclosed shield.

Royal Eagle Elite Academy, Germany.

'To the Branch of Chicago,

This is to inform you that....

...single-student opportunity per year...

...scholarship to the highest scorer, excellent GPA...

...transferring a student to the branch of Germany....'



This must be unreal.

A golden opportunity to an elite school?

Is this a joke?

A sham?

Perhaps, a lie?

Or maybe a dream? I must be daydreaming again.....

I was so shocked that I didn't even noticed my hands trembling. They felt cold...

And about what my mother said...throwing me out?

How the hell was this throwing me out?

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