Part 8

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My stomach flipped the entire time we were falling through the air. But, with Paul, I felt completely safe. Once we hit the water, Paul grabbed my hand, puling me up towards the surface.

"Jared, you idiot!" I heard Kim exclaim as they came up to the surface for air.

"You were planning this, weren't you?" I glanced suspiciously at Paul.

"It was Paul's idea, Thought about it during patrol last night. You know, wolf telepathy," Jared replied guiltily.

"Sorry babe," Paul added, grinning sheepishly at me. Kim groaned before splashing water in her boyfriend's face before the four of us slowly swam back towards the beach.

"Come here," Paul said, once we were on shore. The wind had picked up and I had started shivering in my wet clothes. Paul placed his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest before wrapping his arms around me

"You're so hot," I hummed contentedly. My teeth had stopped clattering as our bodies fit together perfectly.

"Why thank you," he grinned confidently. "Running patrol every night helps." I rolled my eyes at him. "The wolf genes speed up our metabolism and keep us constantly at 108 degrees. Let's go back to the truck, I've got some towels for us."

Jacob's Point of View

"If I told you I couldn't have fixed these bikes... What would you have said?" I asked Bella hesitantly as we drove along the La Push coastline. We had been spending nearly every day together fixing the two bikes that were now strapped down in her truck. I really felt like she was starting to have feelings for me too, but secretly wondered if she would stop coming around since the bikes were now completed.

"Are you doubting your mad skills?"

"No. Definitely not. I mean, they'll run fine," I smiled, glancing over at Bella quickly. I could feel my cheeks grow hot. "It's just... Uh... Maybe if I were smart, I would have dragged out the rebuild a bit."

"If you told me you couldn't fix these bikes, I would say that that's really too bad but that we're just gonna have to find something else to do." I couldn't help but smile to myself for a few moments. "Is that Sam Uley?" Bella pointed towards the cliffs. I looked over to see six figures. Four of the males stood tall and shirtless, while two smaller fully clothed females were among them. I shook my head, noticing Embry and Jacey were among them.

"Yeah. Him and his cult." I watched as Embry stood near the edge, getting pushed by Paul Lahote and Jared Cameron. For a second it looked like Embry was going to get shoved over, but somehow managed to maneuver his way under Jared's arm and push him off the cliff instead.

"Oh my God," Bella gasped, pulling the truck sharply over to the side of the road. She threw open her door and ran across the road. "Did you see that?"

"They're not really fighting, Bella. They're cliff diving," I laughed, exiting the truck and leaning casually against the hood. "Scary as hell, but a total rush." My smile quickly dropped as I looked over at Jacey just in time to see her turn to glance over at Bella and I. Paul also looked over his shoulder, his eyebrow raised, before he turned his attention back to my sister, placing his arm around her shoulders. I could feel anger growing in the pit of my stomach but pushed it aside as I turned my attention back towards Bella.

"A rush?"

"Most of us jump from lower down. We leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples."

"You have some kind of beef with him or something?" Bella looked at the cliff once more before walking back towards me.

"I don't know. They just think they run this place. Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids. Now look at him."

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