Chapter 14

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Note: I've been feeling motivated to write this story!! But I'm also feeling lazy to continue on my diet. Ahh, what's wrong with me!! I'm gonna get fat again🥺🥺

Taehyung's perspective

"Stupid, stupid Taehyung!! What were you fucking thinking!? Now you created another scandal!!" Taehyung exclaimed, hitting his head on the wall of the public restroom of their campus. Jimin was beside him, checking himself on the mirror.

"Yeah Tae. You're really stupid." Jimin said as he applied lip gloss on his thick lips, popping it purposely to annoy the blue haired boy who only glared at him through the mirror.

"You're not helping." Taehyung pouted as he faced the pink haired boy while crossing his arms on his chest.

"Well you did it to yourself. I mean, you looked like you enjoyed it." Jimin teased again. Taehyung's blood rushed to his cheeks leaving his face red.

"It's not like that okay!?" Taehyung huffed and faced the mirror again as he looked at his expression who had a very red cheeks now.

"Oh yeah? Then admit it to yourself then, you like Jeongguk." This made Taehyung think. Why does he even feel affected?? It was only a kiss anyway, it's not that big deal since he also used to kiss his past boyfriends before.

"I don't, okay?? He's just..."

"What?? He's just what?" Jimin asked curiously, facing the blue haired boy who seemed like he was confused as well.

"H-he just makes me feel so good.. that's it!" Taehyung reasoned blushing out of embarrassment.

"Ooh, so you like him for pleasure?? Didn't know Taetae is quite a playerr~" Jimin teased. Taehyung can't help but to hit Jimin's arms because of his nonstop teasing.

"I swear to Jisoos Jimin!!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. Let's go now, we have class." Jimin said and pulled the younger out of the restroom and went to their next class which is physics and they have that together.


*fast forward*

The ride back to the house was quiet and no one dared to talk. Taehyung still felt awkward from earlier as he stole glaces from the elder who was busy on driving.

"Just take a picture."

Jeongguk suddenly said and Taehyung looked at him confusedly.

"Huh?" Taehyung asked dumbly.

"You were stealing glances." Jeongguk stated leaving Taehyung blushing. Taehyung instantly looked away, clearing his throat from embarrassment and looked out of the window instead.

"Don't misunderstand, I'm just looking for the view on the other side." Taehyung said, pinching himself at his lame excuse.

"Really? Never thought walls could be that great of a view." Taehyung snapped his head at the other side only to notice that it was really just a wall that had vandal in it.

"S-shut up, I m-meant the drawings, yeah drawings!!" Taehyung shrinked back to his seat in embarrassment and flicked his own forehead, earning a chuckle from the ravenette.

Taehyung realized that the car came into a stop. He looked at Jeongguk confusedly silently asking why they stopped at a dark street.

"What's wrong? Did the car broke?" Taehyung asked curiously as he unbuckled his seatbelt, wanting to go out to check the car.

Taehyung was about to open the car door when he was suddenly pulled by Jeongguk to his lap. He yelp at the gesture as he found himself facing the ravenette who looked up at him.

"W-what the.." Taehyung tried to wiggle away from the jock but was only held by his waist.

"Just stay still for once!" Jeongguk said as he held the struggling boy down, now frozen on his lap

"What are you doing, Jeongguk!!" Taehyung gasped when he felt the younger's lips on his neck, running his lips on his sensitive area, leaving bites.

"Stay still baby.." Jeongguk whispered and Taehyung felt himself blushing at the nickname. He stay still on his position as he let the other paint his neck with bruises.

"Hyung... p-please don't do this.. we're brothers.." Taehyung whined as he tried pushing Jeongguk away who only held Taehyung's hand behind the poor boy.

"We aren't even related baby." Jeongguk stated as he continuesly molested the blue haired's neck, moving up to his ears as he bit the lobe earning a moan from the other.

"B-but still!!" Taehyung reasoned but was silenced by a smack on his ass.

"Shut up and let me fuck you." With that said by Jeongguk, He claimed the younger's lips roughly. The ravenette pushed his tounge past the younger's parted lips as the boy drooled lightly by the gesture.

"H-hyung, f-fu–nghh.." Taehyung moans as he feel the other creeping his hands up to his croptop, rubbing his already sensitive nipples.

"Oh, baby likes that??" Jeongguk asked while still kissing the boy. Taehyung moaned in return as Jeongguk pinched his buds. Jeongguk felt aroused by the sight of the boy moaning and drooling on his lap. He look so sinful, all ready to be devoured by him, only him.

"N-no.. st-sto–aghh.. h-hahh.." Taehyung moaned, he already feel so sensitive and Jeongguk flicking on his nipples doesn't help. Jeongguk pulled Taehyung's top up to his chest and revealed his perked up nipple.

"So good, baby doll." Jeongguk whispered as he took the right bud inside his mouth, twirling his naughty tounge around it purposely biting and sucking on it leaving Taehyung no choice but to moan out loud.

"K-koo—no..n-ngghh ahh.." Taehyung won't lie, Jeongguk's tounge gives wonders, and it's making him so damn crazy. He gripped tightly on the other's hair, loving the way Jeongguk's tounge was flicking on his abused buds.

Jeongguk smirked at the other's reaction, enjoying the look on the other's face. He was biting his lips out of pleasure as his brows was furrowed and his eyes shut tight. My, my, what a beauty.

Jeongguk gripped on the other's short, not liking that it covered what he wanted to see. Jeongguk unbuckled his seatbelt since it really felt so tight now and held Taehyung closer. Taehyung's legs wide open, surrounding Jeongguk's waist.

"Fuck baby, hump daddy yeah??" Jeongguk muttered as he guided the younger to move. The younger whined as Jeongguk's held was rought it might leave a mark on his waist.

Just as Taehyung started to move, a loud honking noise was heard behind them. Taehyung panicked and went back to his seat and fixed himself, pulling his crop top down again.

"Fuck!" Jeongguk hissed as he was cockblocked again, for the second time!!

He rolled out his windows to see who did it only to realize that it was Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin who was laughing from the other vehicle.

"Fuck you!!" Jeongguk yelled at them.

'Fucking cockblocks.'

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