The plan.

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"You're crazy Evie, i mean...Not you're, you know. USUAL crazy."

A diry-blonde haired girl pulled an old book from a web-ridden shelf.

"Don't worry Francine. I know what i'm doing.", said Evie.

"Really?", questioned Francine, her hands in her pockets, with a worried expression on her face."I mean this could be cursed."

"Hence the basis of it's appeal.", said Evie in a mono-tone voice. "We promised them ghosts, we give them ghosts.", she pulled the large black book onto the table. She opened the pages, so fragile and brittle as if they were about to break.

Francine paced around the table. "So...what do we need to do?"

"Well, we need people...the dead. We can take on their souls and-", she paused.


"The dead will rise again. Oh man we are SO doing this!"

The two walked out of the library, the librarian gave Francine a look of worry.

Francine hid her head in her hoodie.




"Okay. We're ACTUALLY doing this. I mean is it legit?"

A girl with thick Black curly hair looked at the old book.

"For sure.", assured Evie. " Arwyn, everyone will be there. Levi, the twins, Marli, you and me..."

Arwyn looked at Evie with a giant grin on her face.

"So what's going to happen?", asked Arwyn.

"It's pretty simple, it's like an instruction book. I found a time period that had the deaths of exactly 6 people. It was somewhere in medieval Europe. It said to call each of their names. We need a salt circle or like ritual shape-thingy. After than we all close our eyes and say some kind of chant."

"Wait, who wrote this book?"

"It's an old witchcraft book, basically conjurations and rituals and all of that potion bullshit. So...are you in?"


They walked back to the rest of the group. 

"Wait, wait, wait. So everyone knows what's going to go down?", asked Levi.

"Yeah.", the twins said in unison.

The lunch bell went.

"I guess i'll see you all at my house tonight.", said Levi.

The group laughed.

"Yeah, see ya.", said Arwyn.


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