Meeting Fairytail

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Lucy POV
The terrifying Scarlet haired pirate yelled up to a tiny man with white hair who was at the wheel of the ship steering ,
"Captain! We've retrieved the Princess...however we don't know which is her," I couldn't help but smirk a little at this as you could see the irritation in her face. The little man , who was surprisingly there captain, jumped from the top landing ungracefully on the deck , he recovered quickly and walked over to me , Levy , Carla and Wendy, looking at each of us intensely before he looked at me for a little longer than the others , I feel like I know him somehow but I am not sure where from.
"I am not sure either ," he said shrugging although I think he knew I was the princess but was putting up an act for some reason. So Me , Levy ,Wendy and Carla took the opportunity to continue our 'argument' again on who the real Lucy was when the pinky interrupted,
"It's the blonde one gramps , I remember as she said her name before she kicked me in the nuts." Stupid Pinky I mumbled which caused him to smirk cheekily at me making my heart skip a beat.
"Ok now we know who Lucy is who are you three?" The Captain asked gesturing to Wendy , Levy and Carla.
"The shrimp is called Levy gihee," piercings said while Levy pouted.
"I am Carla," I heard the stupid , blue Tom cat sigh as if he was in heaven at Carlas name.
"U-um I-I'm W-wendy." She stuttered shyly. I looked over at the pinky who was staring at Wendy as if he remembered her from somewhere but couldn't place his finger on it. "Why are these people so weird.." I muttered under my breath but obviously louder than I thought as Levy and Wendy snorted.
Suddenly the cold , salty breeze hit me causing me to shiver when I felt a warm jacket being draped over my shoulders and looked up to see scar guy ,
"Who are you guys anyway , and what do you want with me ?"I demanded rather rudely , the guy just looked at me and said tch , which ticked me off. He bent down and cut the ropes around our wrists allowing us to stand up. I looked at him still awaiting an answer
"What a pain..." he grumbled "you cant know why we kidnapped you." he marched off while I was left there grumpily. As if mine and the girls evening couldn't get any worse the Pinky , Piercings , Tom cat and a purple haired boy who dressed similar to Pinky came over to us.
"Come on Luce I will introduce you to the crew," the pinky grabbed my wrist and dragged me along
"My names Lucy not Luce , Pinky,"
"I like Luce more." He grinned and pulled me along , while I turned around and gave Levy a pleading look but she just stuck her tongue out at me , bitch I will get you for this I thought ,suddenly the guy with piercings went over to her and put her over his shoulder causing her to blush furiously. Ha looked like I won't need to Karma is a bitch. Pinky stopped in-front of a small group of people that consisted of the scarlet haired girl , a almost naked guy who had a blue haired women clinging to his arm and the other Tom cat who was eating a Kiwi hole🤢.
"So Luce , my names Natsu , this is my best pal Happy ," he gestured to his furry companion "that's Erza , whatever you do don't do anything to her cake ," he whispered the last part in my ear as I nodded "that's ice prick-"
"SHUT UP FLAMEBRAIN." The guy yelled while calming down and looking back at me "the names Gray." I smiled and looked to the blue haired girl who was staring daggers at me chanting something along the lines of "love-rival??" Weirdddd. "And that's Juvia and Pantherlilly ." Natsu finished , I simply nodded about to walk off and find Levy when Natsu continued to drag me around the ship introducing me to the rest of the crew which was ; a girl with just a bikini on drinking a barrel of wine named Cana, then a pervy kinda guy with orange hair named Guildarts , then the scar boy who I finally found out was called Laxus (weird I think I have heard that name before) and his weird group of friends called Evergreen , Bixlow and Freed and Bixlows 'babies' then finally he brought me back to Levy who was now just standing and Wendy who was hugging Carla luckily they were still stuck with the two annoying guys as well, I found out piercings was called Gajeel and the small boy was Romeo. There's something seriously wrong with this crew I thought to myself
"Not that's it's not a pleasure to meet you all , but what the hell do you want with me!" I said sarcastically but the pinky obviously didn't catch on to it and begun to say
"Well we want you so we can set up a trap for-" Natsu was knocked down unconscious by a giant hand which belonged to the tiny Captain , me , Levy , Carla and Wendy squealed as his hand shrunk back to normal size , greeeeaaaattt so they use magic as well.
"All in good time my child." The captain smiled then took over the wheel from Guildarts. Perhaps I can make my escape now , I ran off from Natsu and the blue cat who was fussing over him and over to the girls who had also escaped the guys now as well.
"So shall we jump over board and escape ?" I whispered , Levy shook her head "I don't know which way we came ..."
"Can't you just use your magic and get a raft , I am sure we would come across land eventually ?" I moaned
"We can't it's to much of a risk without the proper supplies and my magic energy isn't strong enough, anyway Gajeel told me that we are going to someplace called Magnolia we can make our escape then, while we stay on the ship and figure out what the want with us." I pouted but knew Levy was right so I slumped down and huffed.

Let's hope the girls can figure it out , also let's hope Natsu doesn't loose anymore brain cells from the hit in the head by gramps😂

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