3. Missing

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Grandma Sara fussed over me all morning; she made my favorite breakfast and asked a ton of questions. She was desperately trying to get me to tell her what went on with Adam last night, but I didn't attempt to try and guess. I told her the date went fine, over and over, but she didn't believe me. She must have heard me sobbing.

I don't know why I cried.

After I discovered Adam was gone, I ran straight to my room and locked the door. I dove onto the bed. She tried to get me to let her in, but I didn't want to. I wanted to be alone. My face barely hit the pillow before the tears poured out o my eyes. It was our first date. Normally, I would never kiss anybody on the first date, but Adam was different. I wanted to be with him for so long. He finally asked me out but refused to press his lips against mine. He said I didn't do anything wrong, but I think I did. He was just trying to be sweet. I went over every detail in my mind. I couldn't pinpoint anything that would have made him reject me.

I ate my breakfast, then got ready for school. I knew it would be awkward seeing Adam there. I was not even sure I was ready to face him. I was being silly, and I knew it, but I was sixteen. I was allowed to be a little irrational now and then.

Grandma insisted she would put on my makeup when I got ready. She said I should show Adam what he was missing by breaking my heart. "I heard you crying last night."

"I know. I'm surprised the neighbors didn't hear me."

"Won't you tell me what he did?"

I sighed. I knew she wouldn't leave it alone. She was a stubborn old woman. "There's nothing to tell. We had a fantastic dinner. He took me to the park afterward for a stroll beneath the moonlight."

She frowns. "Then why-"

I cut her off. "He was going to kiss me."

She gasped.

"But he didn't. At the last second, he pulled away, and I don't know why. I thought it was me, something I'd done, but Adam said it wasn't. He didn't give me another reason."

"I can't believe he tried to kiss you on the first date." She chuckled. "Cheeky fellow."

"This is the twenty-first century, grandma." I rolled my eyes. "It's a thing." I sighed again. "Besides, we've known each other a while. We've been going to school together for four years."

"It doesn't mean you know him."

"It doesn't mean I don't know him. I know all I need to know about him. He's kind and he likes me."

She laughed again. I was glad I amused her. Not.

"Whatever you say, Eris."

She finished my makeup, and I headed to school.


The halls were bustling, as usual, with excited chatter at every turn. I fell into my morning routine as soon as I walked down the hallway. I paid no attention to anyone else, but out of habit, my eyes sought Adam. I spotted his friends just down the hall from my locker. Curiously, he was not with them. Any other day, he would be standing in the center of them, looking serious, as he concentrated on whatever they were telling him. Without him, the scene was strange, like a movie without its main actor. I wondered where he was. It bothered me. An ominous feeling made itself known. I pushed it out of my mind as I grabbed the book and notebook I needed for first period. Adam and I have second period together, so I would know if he didn't show. Maybe he was running late.

First period came and went. It was a review of chapters we already covered since we were having a test tomorrow. I didn't pay much attention. I could review it on my own. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Adam.

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