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"Dom, she's family! You can't just ditch her after everything that she's been through!" Mia cried as she was running after her brother, who was in the process of walking home, having given his keys to Sierra.

"She's the kid of some of the most powerful cops in the world, I had no choice but to let her go, Mia!"

Dom says coldly to her, as he saw Letty and Sierra loading Sierra's stuff into the car that she had been given by himself.

Sierra avoids looking at him, while she loaded up her bookbags and all of her other stuff into the truck.

"I get why you had to do it. But I thought that family was the most important thing to you. Was I wrong to trust you about that? Did you lie to me about that as well?" She asked and he looked wounded at her statement.

"I'll have someone waiting at the border for you." Letty offered and Sierra shakes her head in silence.

"I don't need anymore of your guys' charity or help." She said and Dominic held out a hand with a box in it.

"It's your other birthday present." He said and she took the box and opened it.

There was a necklace with S. Toretto engraved on it, and Sierra shakes her head at him and shut the box with the loud snap.

"S. Toretto? When you're kicking me out of the house and the family? Good one Dom. Real funny joke." She said at once her tone was turning harsh.

"The team doesn't trust you and therefore, I can't either." Dominic reasoned to her, his tone calm and cool, collected as he usually was.

"I see right through you, Dominic Toretto. You're deathly scared of that car you have in your garage. Also, I know things that you don't. About a bunch of people, including you. So I suggest you watch your back Dom. Or someone, might just sneak up on your ass." She says coldly and grabbed the keys from Letty with a cold look, and she got into the driver's seat.

"Thanks for coming to help me, even if I'm being run out right after, I won't forget it." She said and shut the doors behind her, and the car silently pulled out of the driveway and Mia looked at Dom, her eyes in agony.

"It had to be done, she was a danger to us all." He said reluctantly, and his tone was clear on the matter.

He clearly knew that he should not have done it, he knew that he should have let her stay with them all, with him and Mia, but she wasn't trusted by anyone here. Not one person here anymore.

Not, even Letty, who would've been all too willing to kill for Sierra, only, some mere hours before this startling information had come to light for the team.

Brian looked ashamed of the team as he got into his car and drove away for awhile.

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