seeing little bro

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Airi pov.
I gave Yunan a side look to show I can do this on my own. I walked forword a few steps. "You will know my name soon, I have come to Sindria for special purposes, I am known as Kuro to Shiro." I say and you could tell they where suprised. They looked to Yunan for validation and he nodded. "And may we be graces with knowing your real name, Kuro to Shiro." Now that's what I was waiting for. I decided to be dramatic so I slowly took off my cloak and hat. I finished taking off my cloack and dropped it and they where again suprised. I then took my hat in hand, still on my head. "They call me..." and Nevermore is returning, perfect, and as Nevermore flew directly over us I threw my hat up and Nevermore caught it "Airi!" And Nevermore cawed at the end and I smirked. A perefect start to a new adventure.

In the castle~
I was following Sin into the palace and Yunan was walking next to me. I asume he wanted proof, Sinbad, but, lucky me, I have plenty. We got to a room that looked like a dining hall. He had us sit down and wanted to talk. "Proof  I would like some proof" he said. Guess I was right, I mean, I havent aged much since I was 15, so it's not that hard if you knew me. "What kind? Song, symble, words? Something else maybe?" I asked. "All of the above" he said. Okay, we can work with that. First I took off my necklace, and showed him, then I had Yunan teleport us to the kings chambers, just us 3, and I took the box I gave him with the sword charm off the dresser and gave it to him, third we went back to the dining hall and I showed him my tattoo and finally I sung the lullaby again. After I finished he looked almost teary eyed. "That enough 'proof' for ya?" I asked with my signature smirk. The 8 generals all looked confused but they would find out soon. "Well, a official introduction is in order than. Everyone, this is Airi, my elder sister." Sin said. They looked shocked, then little blueberry said "miss, if your his older sister why do you look younger? And why are there so many ruk around you? And there are alot of dark and light ones." I was a bit shocked, but it was mainly because he looked so young. "Oh, your that new magi aren't you kid?" "How'd you know?" He looked a bit shocked. "I just know these things" I said as I crouched infront of him. "Well, I'll tell you those once we sit down." I say as I get back up and walk over to the table and sit next to Yunan who was already sitting drinking tea. They all came and sat down as well.

"Alright, first, blueberry magi's questions, I look younger than Sin because I have the Ginn of time, Jikan, and he keeps me young forever with minimal magoi, next why I have so many ruk" I say and Yunan choked on his tea a bit. "There are a few reasons realy, the first one is that, though I'm not a magi, I'm a bit like Sin, I am a child the ruk love, quite a bit, but I'm not a magi, I have an almost endless supply of magoi and second is the fact of the matter is, I'm engaged to a magi, aka Yunan." And que shocked faces. They all looked at Yunan who blushed and looked away. Naturally, I pinched his cheeks. "Your so cute when your flustered!" I nearly squeeled. "Airi please!" He exclamed. "Fine, anyway you also said that I have lots of black and white ruk right?" He nodded. "Well this one is more complicated, see, I'm half fallen." They were more than shocked now and a corus of "WHAT!?!" sounded. "Yep, but not in the way you'd expect, I'm half fallen yes, but that is because of one of my gin, who need black ruk to function, and I worked for a year to keep them always perfectley balanced. My gin is called, Kuroi Kaosu and Shiro No Shozo, it is the gin of balance, and the most powerful gin to ever exist, it has 4/5 of 5he power of a magi but also strains the body quite a bit. I'm the only person in current existence that can actually use it." Well, let the real question's begin.

I'll be back. (Yunan x oc, magi fanfic, sinbad sister)Where stories live. Discover now