Chapter one

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I squirmed in my seat in nervousness as we headed towards 'Millton Highschool'. "Mom? why did we have to move again?" I asked as we pulled into the parking lot "Honey, I've told you this a million times! I got promoted sweetheart so we had to move down here, I'm sorry baby" she says grabbing my hand and lightly squeezing it. I huffed and mumble a 'Its fine' and continued to look out the window.

I caught my breath as my mom stopped the car in front of school "Have a good day, honey be careful" she told me as I climbed out of the car "Thanks mom" I said.

As my feet made contact with the dirty concrete my mom drove off and I started walking up the stairs. I was so not ready for this at all. I thought as I made it to the top of the stairs.

When my foot hit the top one almost all eyes snapped to me in an instint. I blushed and looked down as I saw a cute boy checking me out with a cocky smirk on his face. He was about 5'4 about 3 inches taller than Me, had black hair, a slight stubble, and brown eyes. I glanced at his friends who he was talking to and pointing to me, they all had cocky ass smirks on their faces.

I continued walking until I WAS in the building and had no idea we're to go.I started walking until some bitch from nowhere bubped into me with a simple 'oops' and an evil laugh.

I tumbled over, dropped my book bag and fell into someone. I waited for the fall but as soon as my body collided with whoever was in front of me I felt someone grab my waist and pull me up making me hit his chest.

I gasped and turned around to say sorry but when I turned I came face to face with the boy I saw outside checking me out. I blushed at how close our faces were and he chuckled letting go of my waist.

"I'm so so sorry I-" I was saying before he cut me off "Its okay I'm fine,are you?" he asked smirking then turning into worry.

I nodded and blushed looking down "Thanks" I mumbled as I bent down to pick up my books. He chuckled and bent down to help me "No prob babe, your cute when you blush" he whispered in my ear as we stood up.

I blushed more and shivred from how close he was to me, his breath was warm and smelled like mints. I looked up at him still blushing witch earned a cocky smirk from him.

He moved so his lips were right by my ear "Have a good day-" he whipered kissing my neck lightly "Newbie".

I shiver and nod rushing off to the office.

"Hey, your the new kid right?" a red haired GIRL with nerd glasses walked up to me "Yup could you help me find the office?" I ask looking at her big green/ blue eyes.

She nodded fastly and grabbed my hand leading me down several hallways until we come across a door that's labled 'OFFICE' .

I sigh and turn to the girl "Thanks...?" I asked her "Oh sorry in Allison but people call me Allie" I nod and introduce myself "Well I'm Maddilan but people call me maddie"

She said she'll wait for me as I pulled the door opened and walking over to the Secretary "Hi I'm Maddie, I'm new here" I tell her leaning up against the counter.

She nods and pulls a file out from her desk and hands it to me "Here ya go. All your stuffs it that file there" she says smiling slightly at me before I thanked her and walked out.

"Soooo what class do you have first?" Ally asked as she pulled out my schedule.

She looked over it then frowned "You don't have any of the same classes as me except lunch."

I frowned and asked her where Math was with was my first period. She said it was down the 1 hall on the right and the 4th door on the left. I nodded and told her I would see her at lunch.

As I stood nervously outside of my math class I began to worry 'What if no one liked me? 'What if??' 'What if??' I thought as I turned the nob and walled in.

All eyes turned to me as I shut the door and walked over to the teachers desk. I was looking down until I seen feet in front of me. I looked up to see who it was.

I blushed and stepped away from the guy I keep seeing it the halls "Hello, Ms.Mathews I'm Mr.Malik I'm guessing your the new kid?" I hear his low raspy voice ask.

I have to repeat what he said in my mind over and over again to finally realise the guy I keep seeing is the teacher THE FUCKING ASS TEACHER!!! FUCKING TEACHER HOLY SHIT!!!

I nod MY head while still looking down "Would you introduce yourself to the class please" he says.

I nod my head looking up at the class I see many guys with cocky smirks and looking me over several times and many sluts (Cheerleaders) give me glares.

"Hi I'm Ma-Maddie I mo-moved here fro-from California." I say looking up a little to see a blue haired girl smiling at me and a hot guy smiling at me.

I blush and look down "Well thank you Ms. Mathews you may have a seat beside Mr.Smith and Ms. Winters please" Mr. Malik tells me as I fiddle with a loose thread on my to tight shirt that says 'Ckeck me out!' so yea I guess I asked for all the boys to check me out. I'm also waring my brown boots that go up to my knees and a black skirt that goes up a little past my mid thigh.

I nod, as I pass him he whispers in my ear "See me after class." Nodding I walk away in a daze.He points next to the blond and red head as I sit down.

"Okay class, today we will be watching a video about a man saying the world's longest word." Mr. Malik says as he gets a student to shut the lights off and turn the video on.

I look around and see all the kids are mostly messing around and talking "Okay class seddle down." I chuckle and look back at him to see him with an annoyed look on his face "Class! seddle down" he says again.

I bit my lip as he looks at me. He smirks but then goes back to trying to seddle down the class.

After about 6 mins of trying the class calmed down. "Okay class!  Today we are going to start a new project.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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