Chapter II: Drowning

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89 Days Till Winter

I have been avoiding Laki ever since he came home from fishing with his father last night. I know it isn't right after all the hours we spent kissing and claiming our love for one another, but in the span of one night, I had accepted the Siren. Laki will soon know there can be no going back for me. And even if I want to, I can't. The Elders will never allow it, especially Pamela.

But it is going to be a shock to him, as I don't think he ever imagined I would be chosen... Never. During the selection time, too, he had left for fishing late in the evening and stayed overnight on the seas. He used to joke as we lay on the warm sands of the beach that it could be possible I would be chosen as the bride because of my inherent beauty, but then he dismissed the idea as soon as he put forth, saying I had a large forehead like the Belukha fish.

Now I'm sure he is eating his words somewhere. I know he would have asked around about me by now, probably with the other big-breasted woman in the village, Asoese. I know Laki has a fondness for large breasts. He made it apparent he loved mine as he groped a feel every single time during our heated make-out sessions.

My breasts are ample and succulent, and I even went as far as to stop wearing a bra for him. I enjoyed how his eyes would look at me with lust. And his desire sent delicious chills down my spine. He made me feel like a woman. On cold nights, like tonight, he always enjoyed how my nipples strained against the fabric of my dress. I always thought doing this made me a pervert, but luckily, I found many women in the village went without a bra, usually the married ones. It was thought to be more natural.

I sigh as my thoughts go back and forth in time, mixing the memories of Laki with my present situation. Sitting on the dock with my legs dangling off the edge, I swing them in the water, gently allowing the swells to lap them. It is nighttime, and the only thing I can hear is the sound of the waves and the crackling of the torches that were lit around the dock and along the beach. I then hear a creak from behind me, and I know who it is from the soft padding of the footsteps. I don't even have to look, and I keep my eyes trained on the water. Laki.

"Is it true you were selected?"

I don't respond, hoping he would judge my silence to be a Yes.

"So, it's true then..." mutters Laki, almost to himself, as if crushed. "Why did you accept when you had me?!" he lashes out at me.

I turn around and hiss, "Because I could not dishonor my family, Laki, or take the chance of being exiled. I would never survive!"

He exhales loudly, sounding exasperated as he kneels behind me, saying, "So I'm supposed to just accept that some fucking fish is going to take you away from me?"

"Yes. That is the only thing you can do at the moment. And be careful of what you say. They are our Gods," I warn him, slowly turning my attention back to the water, unable to look at him. "We weren't meant to be one..."

"I can't accept that, Mayme. Not after I worked so hard to get you." His voice carried forth his anger, and he turns my face toward him roughly.

He lays a kiss on my lips, and I immediately pull away. "Laki, we can't do this anymore. I'm to be married."

"To that fish man." His green eyes turn cold then speculative. "Then let me have you...just this once. Spread your legs for me. I don't want that damn creature to steal that privilege. He won't even know if you're a virgin or me. Let me be your first. I deserve it."

I look at him skeptically, disgust making my eyes turn cold. "That's your worst concern right now? Whether or not you can take my virginity? You want to be my first? Get out of here, Laki! I don't even want to look at you."

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