Chapter 13: A night with the beast

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Two years ago:

You'd seen Eustass Kid everywhere you went. He'd followed you to "work" and asked to be your lover for the night. You thought about the last time a man "offered" felt sick and basically told him to fuck off.

He didn't appreciate it all that much. He followed you everywhere. Even to the fighting rings where you fought for information and money. Trying to figure out who was behind funding certain pirate groups. Anytime you'd win a fight he'd be there getting in your way and making the other fighter leave out of fear. You never spoke to him in front of others, only when you were alone, you couldn't break your character. He did it again two days after the incident at the brothel. You'd finally had enough, when you were out of eyesight and earshot you finally exploded.

"What the fuck do you want from me! There are literally thousands of other women here on this island who would gladly give you the services you're looking for at a cost. So why the hell do you keep bugging me??!" You huffed, your true personality coming through. You'd thought he'd yell and scream, instead he started to laugh.

"Hahahahaha hahahahaha." His laugh was so corse and deep and also scary; it sent a shiver down your spine. "You're a feisty little bitch aren't you?"

"Thank you I worked hard to get that way."

"Did you now?"

"Yes I did. This world is unforgiving you're either the hunted or the hunter, and I sure as hell am no one's prey!" His eyes scanned your whole body. You were used to showing your stomach, but normally your legs and arms were covered and you felt oddly exposed in these clothes.

He walked towards you and you hit the wall behind you, this scene started to look all too familiar making you sweat involuntarily. Except he didn't grab you, he simply crossed his arms over his impressive chest, leaned in and spoke directly in your ear.

"If you've never been prey, you don't know how much fun it can be. I'll be waiting for you to come to me."

"What makes you think I'll seek you out Red?" He growled, like actually growled. It reverberated in your ear making you shudder. He used one of his long fingers to tilt your chin up, and slowly come closer to your face. He used his other hand to run up and down your arm. You noticed he wasn't trapping you, he was stalking prey.

You opened your mouth to speak, that's when he grabbed your chin and smashed his lips to yours and put his tongue in your mouth. You started to fight him, but he pulled your waist into him, and grabbed the back of your head to keep you in place. His tongue was everywhere in your mouth. You let out a few noises that sounded like whimpers, he squeezed your ass. It wasn't a bad feeling, then he tugged on your hair, and attacked the spot under your ear. You moaned then. And he chuckled.

"See you soon Shortie." He left you there to slump against the wall and breath or try to anyway.

"Holy Shit!" You grabbed your throat your pulse was going crazy and not from adrenaline you were aroused.  "Fuck my life!"

-Kid's POV-

Definitely a Virgin. Someone roughed her up though but didn't finish the deed. No wonder she's being standoffish.

"Fuck my life!" But now I've got her all hot and bothered. Let's see how long she lasts before she comes to me.

"I'll be waiting for you Shortie." Kid licks his lips and heads to a bar. Smiling the whole way there.

-Normal POV-

Fighting was making this arousal worse. You'd physically exert yourself but never in the way that made you tired. You were getting a lot of information that you needed and were almost done with gathering it. You'd even gotten a name, it was one you'd heard before but needed to be sure. Apparently a big meeting was supposed to take place, now you just needed to find out where.

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