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" Why? What did I ever do to you, Ralph? Why can't you just let me be? " I asked , frustrated. " I will never let you be, Jenn. I can't, you wanna know why? Because I love you. I STILL love you, even after all these years."

I jotted down the words of my characters. I was in the zone today and I was in the mood to write. I sat down on the beach, letting my feet soak lightly on the water as the high tide approaches. I let out a satisfied sigh as I finished writing the next chapter of my book. I set it down beside me and stared at the sunset, it made the ocean reflect a red orange type of color, I let out another happy sigh as I picked up my book and started writing a new chapter again.

" Ralph, I'm a married woman now, with kids, why can't you just get over that!? " I screamed at him " Jenn, you don't understand. I LOVE YOU. And there is nothing in this world that could make me not feel this way towards you. " I shook my head.

I was thinking on what Jenn should say next when suddenly a figure sat beside me. I looked at the person and asked " Um.... Can I help you? " the guy looked at me and said " Yes, you can actually. " I looked at him skeptically " And how may I be of any service to you, Stranger? " I asked. " By being friends with me " he said while putting his hand out for me to shake. I had about two choices right now, One, get up and run away from this stranger, or Two, shake this very attractive strangers hand and become friends. Oh what the hell, it's not as if he could be a murderous rapist or something, right? I shook his hand. And that was the start of our friendship.

At first sight you'd never think that my new friend, who I have yet to know the name of, was carrying so much problems. You know how I know that? Cause the minute he shook my hand he pulled me closer to him and started to break down, and me being me, I just started to rub his back whispering " It's going to be okay, friend. Let it out. " and at that moment I knew that he would mean a lot to me. When he had finally composed himself, he sat up straight and said " Thanks " I gave him a small smile " No problem, so.... care to share what was about? " I said and he gave me a nod.

He started on how his family was almost on the verge of breaking because his parents were almost about to get a divorce and how his best friend and girlfriend both ditched him cause they said that he was too much to handle and that he brought them too much drama than what they wanted, his boss also fired him from his job and to top it all off, his younger brother banged with his girlfirend the exact same day she broke up with him and didn't even apologize.

" Wow.... that's tough, mate " I said " I know " he said, running a hand through his already messy hair, smiling. I stared at him, I know its rude to stare, but there's just something interesting about him. Like in the midst of what he's going through, he still has the will to smile and laugh. " Why are you staring at me like that? " he asked, I simply shook my head " No reason, you're a very interesting person, friend. " I said smiling sweetly at him.

" I'm Bryan by the way. Bryan McCaslin. " he said, returning my smile " And I'm Alison Kate Lockwood, but you can just call me Kate. " he frowned at my response " Why can't I call you by your first name? " he asked " Well.... Cause.... I'm just not fond of my first name. Like, I don't know, I just don't like it. " I said. He suddenly gave me a big grin " Well then we are going to change that, because from now on, I will be calling you Alison, and I will soon think of more nicknames for you! " he said cheerfully, throwing his hands up in the air. I laughed slightly at his silliness. The sun had already set by now, and the sky was blanketed by stars and the moon was high up in the sky supplying us just the right amount of light.

We talked about everything and anything we could think of, it was fun to be with Brian, like I said, he's an interesting person. " Hey Brian, I should get going, it's getting really late. " I said, he pouted at me when I said this " Well atleast let me bring you home. " he insisted and I nodded my head. On our way home, he wouldn't stop making jokes that made me laugh. " You know what? You have a beautiful laugh, Alison. " he said staring up at the sky, then slowly looking down and me. I felt a smile creep up my face as I thanked him for the sweet compliment. Hearing him call me Alison was still foreign, but I was sure that I'd get used to it soon. We finally reached my house and I turned to face him " Thank you for today, Brian. " I said, smiling. " It was my pleasure, Alison " he said, smiling at me before he turned and left.

*Ring Ring*

" Stop " I mumbled

*Ring Ring*

" Stop It " I said, this time reaching my hand out to the side table, searching where my alarm clock could be, without opening my eyes.

*Ring Ring*

" Oh SHUT UP! " I said raising my voice, opening my eyes and turning off my alarm clock.

I woke up from my dream. My wonderfully beautiful, yet painful dream. It's been a year for heavens sake! ONE WHOLE YEAR and I'm still not over him. What's worse is that I see his face everywhere. "Oh Brian, I miss you...." I said to myself softly, tears forming in my eyes. Its not as if he would hear me anyway.

***Author's Note***

Hey guys!


I Am Back!


BOOK TWO of my Trilogy!

Hihihi! I for one am super excited for this book, just because I think there is so much more to this book rather than there is from the first one. *Insert nodding of head*

I know it's short, and everything, but I promise that I'll try to make the first chapter super long because I love you guys and yeah.

And do you see what I did there? Yup! That's right! It is from the first book! See!!! It's from how they met!!! I just cut it off a bit.

Don't you guys just miss Alison and Brian? Oh the good ol' days.

Sooooo anywho!

And Fan! (If you want to)

Loads of Love,
Jaicee N. Ross☆

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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