Changing Everyone

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I put on my coat and so did Nash. He led me to the car and Floyd greeted me and let me in. Nash joined me a few seconds later. 

'Floyd could you bring me to a grocery shop that is open now? I need ingredients to make chickensoup ' I told him. 

He smiled and told me he would. 

'If I finish making the soup, would you like a cup?' I asked Floyd. 

'I would love to, Miss.' I smiled and sat back in my seat. 

'Good, otherwise my dad probably would've be offended. It's his recipe.' I told him. 

'I would never want to offend him or you Miss, so I would love some home made soup.' He told me with a smile. 

I looked at Nash who was looking at us and shook his head.

'I'm beginning to think that you are changing everyone around here.' He stated. 

'How that so?' I asked him curious while Floyd drove us to the grocery store. 

'Cam is much more relaxed and he spends time with you. He is much nicer to his people and you make Floyd smile. You make me keep little secrets and I like that you are a very kind and loving person. No matter if someone hates you, you still want to take care of them. I think you're special to us all.' He told me and I blushed at his words. 

'Right Floyd?' Nash asked him. 

'That's right, Miss.' Floyd told me. 

'Well guys. I never expected to actually feel home here. Thank you for making my stay easier guys. I really appreciate it.' I sat up and placed a kiss on Floyd's cheek. I sat back and placed a kiss on Nash cheek. He blushed slightly and smiled. 

'Now stop flattering me and let's get to work.' I beamed at them. Floyd turned the radio a little louder when I asked him to and I began to sing along. 

After some time we got to the store.

I hopped out and began to walk to the entrance. Nash followed me and took the shoppingcart from my hands after I grabbed it.

We walked around the store and grabbed everything I needed. I paid for the stuff and Nash helped me carry it to the car. 

Floyd helped us and we got in. We drove home and we walked to the frontdoor. 

'Go on, scan your thumb.' Nash told me while he held the bags. 

'What? My thumb?' He nodded and I looked at the scann thing. Would it really accept my thumb print? 

I placed my thumb on it and the door unlocked. 

'Since when is that?' I asked Nash surprised. 

'I think he put that in yesterday.' Nash told me. 

'How does he get my thumb print?' I asked Nash. 

'I thought he took it when you were asleep. Because he didn't want to wake you up. I guess he forgot to tell you.' He told me and shrugged. 

'Sneaky but okay,' I told him and got in. Nash closed the door behind him and we walked to the kitchen. Nash unpacked everything and I grabbed the stuff I needed from the cabinets after I took my coat off. 

After everything was settled, I began to cook. I could dream the recipe my dad created. I made this soup a billion times with him and it was absolutely my favorite soup ever. 

I asked Nash to turn on the radio and asked him to help me cut the meat and some other things.

We sang and cook. After some time it was almost ready. It only needed to get a little warmer now.

I grabbed a tupperwear bowl and placed it on the counter. I watched some TV until I thought the soup was ready. 

I grabbed three other bowls and filled them along with the tupperwear bowl. I grabbed three spoons and closed the tupperwear bowl. 

I handed Nash a bowl and walked outside. I called Floyd up the stairs. 

'Floyd. The soup is ready, your bowl is inside.' I told him. 

'Thank you so much, Miss. I will lock the car and will be right up.' He told me. I smiled and nodded.

I waited until he was up again and let him in. We walked to the kitchen and I placed a bowl next to Nash. Floyd sat down and began to eat the soup just like Nash was doing. 

'Holy shit. This is good (Y/N).' Nash told me. I smiled. 

I grabbed my own bowl and joined the two guys. 

'Miss, this is the best soup I have ever tasted.' Floyd beamed. 

'Thanks guys. I learned to cook from my dad. I bet he would do anything for a bowl of this soup.' I laughed at them, while I actually crumbled inside. I missed him so much and hoped he was doing fine. 

We ate the soup and chatted along. After we finished I placed the bowls in the dishwasher and got into my coat. I took the tupperwear bowl with me and walked to the car with the guys. 

They let me in and got in themselves. I asked Floyd to take me to the house of Cam's mom and he took me there. 

 I better could jump into hell right now 'cause that was almost the same as where I was heading to now. Right?

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