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I literally had no ideas for this one so I'm sorry if it sucks haha

also Zayn is in this one.  Yay-we love Zayn! :p

there's also like one swear in here.  if you don't like that stuff, just, like, don't read it i guess?  idk haha


You scrolled through the comments on Twitter, tears stinging in your eyes and clouding your vision.

"She doesn't deserve Niall!"

"He can do so much better than her."

"Niall definitely downgraded."

"Ugly.  Just ugly."

There was an occasional kind comment, saying something along the lines of,  

"Why is everyone so rude towards Y/N? She makes our baby happy, that's what matters, right?"

  but they seemed to be drowned out by the sea of hate.  

It was almost too much to bear.  You knew that with dating Niall there would be hate, but you didn't expect there to be this much.  All the hate seemed to have gotten to your head, even though Niall warned you not to let it.  He promised the hate would never come between the two of you, but you started to question if he'd been truthful in saying that.

Were the "fans" right?

What if you didn't deserve Niall?

What if Niall found someone better than you?

What if Niall didn't really love you?

What if....

These thoughts raced through your head over and over again.  Your head began to pound, the tears falling faster and faster.  You were having a full on anxiety attack, but you knew you couldn't call Niall.

So you decided to call Zayn.  The two of you had grown close after Niall had introduced you, he was like an older brother to you and you felt like you could trust him.  You dialed his number, and it rang a couple times, but he eventually picked up.

"Hey, Y/N, what's up?" 

You opened your mouth, but no words came out.  You weren't sure what to say, you didn't want to worry him.

"Y/N?  Is everything okay?" he asked, sounding a bit concerned.

"Zayn?" was all you could manage.  You tried not to sound upset, but the crack in your voice betrayed you.

"I'm coming over," he said, his voice laden with worry.

"No-no, I'm fine," you stammered.

"I'm coming over," he repeated, this time a little firmer than before.  "You sound upset, I want to make sure everything's okay.  Niall would never forgive me if you were upset and I just brushed it off."

"O-okay."  You hung up, tears streaming down your cheeks.  You grabbed your laptop, fishing through Twitter, hoping to find some kinder comments.  All the comments you could read were filled with hate, and nothing but it.  Your sobs became heavier, and all you could focus on was the hatred sitting in front of you.

You didn't even hear Zayn entering your flat, you didn't notice until you heard a soft knock on your bedroom door.

"Y/N?  Are you in there?" Zayn's voice floated into the room, gentle yet worried.

"Y-yeah," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.

Your door slowly opened, and Zayn poked his head in.  He looked around and found you curled up, staring at your laptop, your head buried in your hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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