Chapter 5

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~Harleys pov~
~the next morning~
I went to my closet and picked out this outfit:

I French braided my hair, I didn't do any makeup because we wouldn't be going anywhere nice since it's raining, I walked out of my room and to the living roomJo: morning Har: morning Curt: how are youHar: actually I'm feeling really goodJo: oooo d...

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I French braided my hair, I didn't do any makeup because we wouldn't be going anywhere nice since it's raining, I walked out of my room and to the living room
Jo: morning
Har: morning
Curt: how are you
Har: actually I'm feeling really good
Jo: oooo did something happen
Har: yea I guess
I pulled out my phone and showed them the video of Kaisley calling Jaden Dad and josh almost cried
Jo: that's adorable
Curt: yea
Har: she was half asleep so I don't think she remembers it
Jo: that's sad
Har: is she awake
Jo: yea she woke me up to turn on cartoons in my room
Har: oh I'm going to get her
I walked to Josh's room
Har: Kaisley are you hungry
Kais: yea
Har: well let's go get some McDonald's
Kais: can we see daddy today
Har: sure
I smiled
Jo: so she remembers
Har: yea
Kais: let's go mommy
Har: Kaisley want us to pick him to get some food with us
Kais: yea
She said very loudly
Har: okay
We went downstairs I grabbed my keys and Kaisley and I walked to my car, I texted Jaden when I got in
Har: wanna get food with Kaisley and I
Rockstar🎸: sure when and where
Har: I'll pick you up in about ten minutes
Rockstar🎸: okay I'll be ready and outside
Har: okay see ya in 10
Kais: Is he coming
Har: yea
Kais: yay let's go
We drove and ten minutes later we pulled up to the sway house
Har: get in loser we are going to McDonalds
He just laughed and got in the car
Kais: hi daddy
Ja: hi
He looked like was going to cry again
Har: no more crying Hossler
Ja: sorry
Har: it's okay I cried the first time she said mommy
He smiled and I smiled then Kaisley yelled
I blushed and look down, Jaden did the same thing
Har: who knew we could get embarrassed by our 3 year old
Ja: yea
Kais: I'm hungry
Har: alright we are going
We drove to the closes McDonald's, we all order and got our food, I drove back to my apartment
Har: we are back
Jo: did you get us food
Har: no but did you want some
Jo: no we ate already
Har: when
Jo: when Kaisley woke me up I went to wake up Curtis and we cooked
Har: and you didn't think to feed the 3 year old
Jo: no I thought she fell back to sleep
Kais: no it's fine
We ate and Jaden threw some eggs at me
Har: heyyyyy what the fuck
Kais: no no word
Har: sorry kai
Ja: oops it slipped
Har: you sound like a sixth grader
Ja: no that's just me talking
Kais: Daddy
Ja: yes Kai
Kais: no throwing food at the table
Ja: okay sorry
Har: I'm impressed, wait a minute who broke my child
Jo: no one we promise
Har: mhm okay
Curt: Harley no one broke Kai
Har: suuuurrrrreeeee
I finished my food
Kais: mommy I'm full
Har: okay you did pretty good
I took her food and my garbage and tossed them
Kais: I'm going to watch cartoons in Joshy's room
Har: okay
Jo: what is she doing
Kais: Joshy can you help me turn on cartoons
Jo: sure
Kais: okay come on
Jaden sat down next to me on the couch, I pulled out my phone and showed him the video from last night he almost cried again
Har: you cry a lot
I said playing with his hair, he pushed my hand out of his hair
Ja: says you
Har: you mean
Ja: why
Har: because you won't let me plAy with your hair
He sAt back down
Jo: I got some cute pictures of this just wait till tiktok room sees
HAr: you wouldn't
Jo: I won't....unless
Har: no
Ja: whats the big problem
Har: we are not dating
Ja: okay, josh, please don't do it
Jo: no promises
Har: I hate you so much
Ja: if you post those I'm going to hate you
Jo: I won't post them I promise
He looked at his phone and smirked I didn't say anything about till I got a notification that Josh posted on his snap story, i looked at it and it was the picture of me playing with Jadens hair
Har: Josh you asshole
Ja: what is it
I showed Jaden the picture
Ja: I Hate you
Har: but I hate him more
Ja: it's not a competition to see who hates him more
Har: well I hate him more then you do because I grew up with him
Ja: I hate him because of the photo
Josh left and Jaden and I just sat around talking and scrolling through our phones I was on Instagram, about a few minutes later I seen A Tiktok room post, it was the picture of Jaden and I off of joshs story
Har: Jaden
Ja: yea
Har; tiktok room has our photo
Ja: which one
Har: the one of me playing with your hair
Josh came running downstairs
Jo: yea
Har: don't yea us
Jo: why
Ja: we are on tiktok room because of your little photo of us on your snap story
Jo: oh shit I didn't think they would get the photo
Har: dude your famous and have a star behind your name on snap
Jo: your famous too
Ja: yea so am I
Jo: yea yea
Har; they all have your snap and I know it
Jo: I'm going back upstairs to watch cartoons with Kai
Har: okay but that doesn't mean I don't hate you
He nodded and went back upstairs and Avani called me about five minutes later
~Clown Bish🤡🥴~
Av: hey
Har: hi
Av: so are you and Jaden a thing
Har: no we were talking and josh took a picture at the wrong time
Av: Harley are you sure
Har: okay
Av: okay what
Har: Jaden and I aren't dating I was just playing with his hair and talking
Av: alright now I believe you, but I just wanna check, I have to go because Anthony needs me
Har: okay love you
Av: love you too bestie
~end of call~
I looked at Jaden and he looked mad
Har: hey are you okay Jaden
Ja: no
Har: why what's wrong
Ja: nothing you've moved on it's okay, I'm happy for you, I just have to go
He tried to leave but I grabbed his arm and swung him back in the couch
Har: what do you mean I've moved on
Ja: you never meant anything like you saying you stay care about me and you missed me, you never moved on because you still loved me, but you lied you moved on
Har: no I haven't that was just Avani I was talking to
I showed him my recent calls
Ja: oh I'm so sorry
Har: hey it's okay
He hugged me
Har: your a bigger version of Kaisley
Ja: what the hell does that mean
Har: you always act so innocent, but your not
He just laughed, I sat back down on the couch and scrolled through tiktok and saw on my Fyp the video of Jaden crying when Kaisley called him dad
Har: well shit didn't this day get better
Ja: what happened now
I showed him the video
Ja: this day is going to be the best day ever huh
Har: oh yea
He smirked
Har: no
Ja: your no fun
Har: Jaden we are not dating
Ja: but what if we were would you then
Har: no
Ja: wow your boring
Har: I am not
Ja: yes yes you are
Har: your just mean
Curtis walked downstairs
Curt: so what's happening
Har: we are just talking
Curt: oo gurl about what
Ja: she's no fun
Curt: no fun what do you mean
Har: he means Dirty shit
I pushed Jaden off the couch and he hit the floor pretty hard
Ja: ow you asshole
Har: I'm not a asshole
Curt: why dirty stuff
Har: he wants to do The dirty
Jo: bro that's my sister
Ja: you didn't say that the first time
Jo: the first time she had a kid
Har: and I'm not reliving that
Jo: your not aloud to have another one anyways until I have one
Har: yea we made that rule at 13 years old
Jo: yes we did
He went into the kitchen, grabbed some snacks and went back upstairs
Curt: for one Jaden I won't let you do the dirty in my apartment
Ja: okay... Harley wanna go to the sway house
Ja: okay buzzkill
Har: you need to stop
Kais: hi
Har: hey sweetie
Kais: can we play
Har: what do you want to play
Kais: hide n seek
Har: okay who else is playing
Curt: I will
Josh came running downstairs
Jo: I will play too
Ja: I'm not
Har: who's the Buzzkill now
Ja: I just rather not play
Har: okay
~Jadens pov~
Everyone went to hide and Kaisley came by me
Kais: can you help me count
Ja: sure what are we counting to
Kais: mommy said 2...0
Ja: so 20
Kais: yea that number
Ja: 1
Kais: 2
Ja: 3
Kais: I don't know anything after 3
Ja: okay 4...5...6...7....8....9...10...11...12...13....14...15...16...17...18...19...20
Kais: thank you
Ja: you have to say ready or not here I come
Kais: ready or not here I come
She ran off and started looking for everyone, I heard giggling from the kitchen, I seen Harley behind the fridge
Ja: what are you doing
Har: I'm stuck
Ja: that's your fault
Har: I know
Kais: you did where
Ja: behind the fridge
Har: Jadennnnnnn how could you
Ja: hehe
Kais: found you mommy
Har: I'll be out in a minute because I'm stuck
Jo; I was found
Har: cool
Jo: where are y—
Har: stuck behind the fridge
Ja: can you help me move the fridge a little bit out
Jo: yea
Josh and I tried to scoot the fridge but that didn't happen
Har: am I going to be stuck back here forever
Curt: no we'll get you out
Har: how and where did you come from
Curt: the bathroom
Jo; okay how are we going to get her out from behind the fridge
Ja: wait
Har: what
Ja: can you move your arms
Har: no
Ja: okay
Jo; what were you planning
Ja: you and her could push from the back and Curtis and I could pull
Jo: how are you going to pull
Ja: from the bottom
Har: wait I got a arm lose
Ja: okay josh get back by her
Jo: but not all the way back there
Ja: yea...Curtis grab a Corner
Curt: okay
We pushed and pulled at the same time until Harley and josh stopped and Curtis fell
Curt: ow
Ja: you good
Curt: I'm fine
I helped him up
Har: I can move now
I seen her arms pop out from behind the fridge, Josh grabbed her hands and pulled her out
Har: it was very dusty back there
Curt: that's becAuse no one cleans back there
Har: true
I decided I'll join the game
Ja: I'll join the game guys
Kais: yay
Harley was it and I ran upstairs and hide in josh's room, about 5 minutes later I heard mumbling outside his door, and Harley came through the door
Har: found you
Ja: yea
Har: your it
I went downstairs and counted, I started by looking in the kitchen and found no one, I was still looking for about 10 minutes and still no one, until I heard giggling and seen Kaisley underneath the couch
Ja: found you
Kais: I know where they are
She pointed outside and I went outside and seen Curtis sitting crisscross in a chair
Curt: hehe um Harley is in Kaisley's room and josh is in there too
Ja: wow you guys really ratting each out
He nodded and I went to Kaisley's room and saw josh and Harley
Ja: found you guys
Har: took long enough
We played until Kaisley got tired and went to bed
Har: what do we do know
Jo: nothing
She rolled off of the couch and hit her head
Jo: well I bet that hurt
Har: sure
Curt: that didn't hurt
Har: no, I'm used to being hit in the head
She glared at josh, he put his hands up in defense
Har: I'm bored
Ja: same
Har: let's go shopping josh and Curtis can stay here
Ja: yes let's go
Jo: no Curtis can go with
Curt: nah it's fine
Har: let's just go and if one of them wants to come they can drive their own car
Ja: okay let's go
We walked out, and went to her car
Har: I'm driving
Ja: okay
We drove to target
Har: what are we even going to shop for
Ja: I dunno
Har: let's go fuck around in the toys
Ja: bet
We ran to the back of the store
~Harleys pov~
We were messing around in the toy section when one of the employees yelled at us
Har: oh um shit, sorry sir
Ja: we will fix all of this
Employee: then go ahead I'll be watching
Jaden and I started putting stuff away, we finished about 10 minutes later
Employee: thanks you two
Har: yea
Ja: we should head out and go to another store
Har: no Jaden we've caused enough trouble in one store
Ja: Damn what happened to you
Har: I don't know maybe because I had to be responsible for 3 years because I had no one to watch Kaisley not even josh would
Ja: oh
Har: you wanna stay at the apartment and go back in the morning
Ja: yeah
We went back to my apartment and I slept on the couch and let him have my room again

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