delena -- smoking daddy's cigarettes.

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The smell hit my nose the second I walked through the door. I could practically hear my heartbeat quicken, my brain immediately flooded with the worry that something was on fire. 

"Hey! You're home!" I heard his voice, but I still couldn't see him. I sure as hell could smell him, though. But Damon doesn't smoke, I thought. 

"Where are you?" I walked into the living room, setting my bag onto the couch and walking towards the kitchen. 

"I'm outside, dumbass."

I looked out the window, and sure enough, there sat Damon, a cigarette dangling loosely from his lips. I rushed outside. "Are you smoking?" I snapped, taking the cigarette from his mouth and crushing it between my shoe and the ground.

He looked at me like he was shocked. How could he possibly be? He knows I have a problem with those kinds of things. "Elena, babe." His smile played on his face. God, dammit. He knows what that smile does to me. I sat down. "I'm a vampire, remember? Those things cant hurt me." His hand reached over and pushed a loose strand of my hair out of my face. 

"I'm sorry." I let out a shy laugh, gesturing to the stomped cigarette on the floor. God, you idiot! They can't hurt him, why'd you do that?  

"It's okay." His smile only got wider. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pack. How have I never seen this before? I watched in shock as he placed another in his mouth and lit it with a lighter.

"Hey, is that Jeremy's?" I pointed to the lighter as he returned it to his pocket. 

"Yeah, these are his cigarettes too," Damon laughed. Wait, what? 

"He doesn't smoke cigarettes." I crossed my arms. "Does he?"

"Well, not anymore now that I've confiscated them. See? I can be parental. Some would even go as far as calling me a natural daddy.

My face quickly flushed, but I laughed the cover it up. Daddy? God, Caroline used to call Channing Tatum daddy. It sounded so unnatural in my head, but. . . "Daddy." 

"What?" Damon coughed, and my eyes widened. Jesus Christ, did I just say that out loud? 

"Oh, um." God, what excuse can I come up with? Fuck. . .

"Oh, don't worry. I get it." He looked towards the back yard, and I watched him take a long drag from his cigarette before saying, "You were just testing it out."

"Testing it out? For what? I'm not testing anything out." Ugh! I'm only making this worse! 

"Don't worry," he repeated, and without warning, he lifted me up and sped me into the house and up the stairs. The second we were in his room, which was the same second in which the cigarette hit the ground, he began leaving moist kisses on my neck. Oh, wow. . .  I missed this. "It's okay if you want to call me daddy." 

I shook my head. I don't want that! "No," I said, but it came out as more of a moan. "I don't. I promise." 

"Oh Elena." His voice was dark and full of lust. I wonder if he could smell how wet he was making me, vamp-smell considered. "Don't be so stubborn."

I heard him let out what could of been a hiss, but before I could question it, he bit down. Is he biting me? What? "Damon," I whimpered, but I couldn't tell if I wanted him to stop or not. I felt blood drip down my neck, but the most of it was being sucked into his mouth. Does he even want to drink my blood, considering I'm a vampire now? Does vampire blood do anything for other vampires? 

He detached himself from my neck, letting out a little hum. I thought about questioning it, whether or not he enjoyed drinking my blood, but I let it go. After all, it wasn't all bad. . .  I've always kind of had a thing for pain. 

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