Chapter 2: First Day (Part 2)

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A/N uh I forgot to mention but it's Jotaro's first day back to school from over the summer and Kakyoin's first ever day so nobody knows Kakyoin but they do know Jotaro. 

Jotaro looked over at Kakyoin, he was holding a small brown box as they walked to the cafeteria. "Hey, Kakyoin, what's with the box?" Jotaro questioned. Kakyoin looked up at him, almost surprised Jotaro noticed the box. "Oh uh... It's just got some cherries in it... I-I really like cherries so I brought some." Kakyoin answered back. Jotaro faced forward again and he nodded, as if saying OK to Kakyoin. They quickly arrived at the cafeteria and were met with a huge and rowdy line of teens, all waiting for their lunches. Kakyoin sighed and whispered to Jotaro: "This is gonna be SO much fun." He added emphasis on the word 'so' to make it very sarcastic. "Pfft, like we are waiting in THAT line." Jotaro grinned and walked over to the line, Kakyoin followed suit. Jotaro looked forward, said nothing and all the teens in line quickly moved aside. Kakyoin was confused but followed Jotaro anyways. "Who is HE?" One girl asked. "I think he's new.." another one answered. Kakyoin felt his face heat up and he looked to Jotaro. "Uhm.. Jo-Jotaro... They're staring and gossiping..." Kakyoin mumble to Jotaro. "Yeah... I'm a bit of a popular guy here and well it's not normal to see someone next to me. They're just surprised, that's all." Jotaro quickly whispered as he leaned into Kakyoin's ear. Kakyoin started to be come even more red and he pulled up is collar a bit and also used his free hand to cover his face. Jotaro noticed Kakyoin was now a bit uncomfortable with all the attention so Jotaro put an arm around Kakyoin and pulled him a bit closer, in hopes to make him feel a bit safer. It worked. Kakyoin was now the color of a cherry but at least he felt safer around Jotaro. 

"Why are they so close?" 

"I dunno.. It's unfair, I follow Jotaro around sometimes but all his attention goes to that guy?"

"He's not even that handsome.. Yeah he's kinda cute but Jojo is SO out of his league it's not even funny... Not to mention he's a GUY. Like what is so special about HIM that Jotaro doesn't see in any of US?"

All those were comments from the girls that kept staring. Jotaro and Kakyoin got their lunch and sat down at a table outside. As soon as Jotaro's spicy ramen and Kakyoin's regular ramen was set down Jotaro got up and asked Kakyoin to come with him. Kakyoin was again, confused but followed always. They reached the girl that was talking about Kakyoin not being very handsome. Jotaro glared at her. "For your information, he's VERY handsome and doesn't need to be disrespected like that. He's out of YOUR league... You better apologize or you'll regret it. And not to mention he doesn't whine like a bitch and doesn't harass me. That's why I see him differently than you and your little fan girl club." Jotaro grumbled. Jotaro put his arm around Kakyoin's shoulder once more and looked into his eyes, using body language to ask if it was okay that he move his hand to Kakyoin's waist. Kakyoin nodded a bit and Jotaro wrapped his arm around Kakyoin's waist, Kakyoin went RED. The girl stood there, shocked and she started to get angry. "First off, he's really not handsome enough to be with an amazing guy like you. Second I saw him eating  cherries in class and he-... It's was so gross!" The girls behind her backed her up by saying things like "Yeah he was like playing with the cherry and stuff..." or "Exactly, he is OBSESSED with cherries! Just look at his earrings! It's creepy." 

"Third I don't whine and I'm not a bitch! Oh and SOORRYYYYY!" (That last bit was super sarcastic) She said, while grinning and turned on her heels to walk away with her girl group. Jotaro looked over at Kakyoin, he had his head low and he could hear the shorter boy sniffling. Jotaro's straight fave soften into a small smile as he tilted Kakyoin's head up with one hand, his other was still wrapped around Kakyoin. Kakyoin looked really sad but Jotaro tried to smile to him as he attempted cheering the cherry lover up. "Hey, hey, it's alright... Nori- I-I mean Kakyoin. She was just pissed cause you are better than her and she had to lie about you not being handsome to make herself fell better. Trust me I-." Jotaro was cut off by Kakyoin. "Jotaro, it's okay.. She's right, I'm creepy.. I do really love cherries.. Maybe I do love them a bit too much.. Do you really think I'm handsome.?" Kakyoin asked quietly. "Of course I do." Jotaro answered. Someone passing by muttered something along the lines of "I never thought Kujo... THE Jotaro Kujo could be soft to anyone, he's (he as in Kakyoin) pretty lucky." Kakyoin's felt a bit better and dried his tears with his uniform sleeve. He wrapped his arms around Jotaro's waist and hugged him. "Th-thanks.. I've never had friends before... You're truly amazing, Kujo." Kakyoin mumbled into Jotaro's chest. Jotaro tipped his hat down and let out a small "Yare Yare Daze." They already had such a close bond yet they'd only met each other a few hours ago. Kakyoin stepped back and walked to the table outside with Jotaro following. They both ate their ramen and set the bowls aside. Kakyoin's stared longly at his small box but didn't open it. Jotaro noticed this and spoke up. "Kakyoin, you know I won't judge you. Just eat the damn cherries. You like them, don't you?" "Y-yeah but.. I'm creepy.." Kakyoin mumbled. "Bullshit, just eat them already. We don't have much time on lunch break left." Jotaro said as he tipped his hat and let out yet another, "Yare Yare Daze." Kakyoin looked at the box then back a Jotaro then back at the box. He reached for it and pulled it into his lap. Kakyoin opened the box and picking a cherry from it. He slowly took the stem off and put the cherry on his tongue. Then he started rolling it around and playing with it, out of habit. Jotaro stared at him while he did this. Kakyoin went "rero rero rero." And finally ate it. Jotaro pulled his hat down to cover his pink dusted cheeks. "Sorry, I know it's creepy but I do it out of habit.." Kakyoin muttered while looking down and eating another cherry normally. "It was kinda cool though... Like how you could balance it.." Jotaro said. "R-really? You didn't think it was gross?" Kakyoin questioned. "Yeah I mean it was sorta interesting.." Jotaro said. Kakyoin smiled and the bell rang to get back to class. They both headed to their classes once more. 

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