Werid Queen

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Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.”


My Queen, your spa session awaits you” one of my many maids informed then left with a bow, I sighed now I have to get up, why couldn't they make inside carriages.

“My Queen, some more grapes”another said dangling a vine of grapes above my head which I happily munched on a few and then dismissed her with a wave.

“My Queen, pink or nude” one waved two bottles of nail paint in the air, I shrugged nonchalantly.

“Why don't we do both, a mix up” I shot her a small smile which she blushed to.

“My Queen, Justin is at the door again”

“Which one??, Timberlake or bieber” I asked my brow arched as I plopped the last piece of cake in my mouth.

“Bieber, My goddess " I rolled my eyes, how many times will I have to tell him that he isn't my type of guy, why does he have to show up at my doorstep every frosting time, am getting sick of it.

“let him in” I waved her off, she hurried off bowing continuously, I rolled my eyes at her antics, gesturing for another maid to feed me a banana.

Then a knock was heard, i flicked her wrists gesturing for a guard to open the magnificent wooden double doors, a big R crafted on both side, the door flung open and Justin appeared in a white and golden tux, a big smile on his face.

“Five minutes Justin, you have five minutes” he knelt in front of me on one knees the goofy smile never leaving his face.

“My Queen,Rosaline, I have come again in search for your heart” he states pulling out a rose from behind his ear.

Hold up!, I thought he was a musician not a magician.

“Am sorry Justin but my heart wasn't missing was it??" I said feigning confusion placing a hand on my chest to feel my heart beat.

“please, Roseline, I can't live without you” tears brimming from the corner of his eyes which I roll my eyes to.

“Just a kiss My highness, please”his face now pink, I chuckled.

Such a big cute baby

I smiled, nodding in affirmative, his face lit up, as he pulls me closer to him, his pink sweet lips inches away from mine, I close my eyes awaiting for it's touch.

“Miss Millers, Miss Millers” Justin suddenly starts screaming, I flung my eyes open only to come face to face with Mr. Thompson, his face moulded into a frown.

“Miss Millers” he yelled, now dressed in a huge diaper, my eye widened, my jaw dropped.

What the friesbe?? Where did Justin go??.

He started taking slowly dangerous steps towards me, it almost seemed like he was trying to....seduce me..wait..HOLD UP!!

Mr. Thompson, my Maths teacher is trying to seduce me....SEDUCE ME..oh my cheese nugget, Justin where are you?!, com'on baby.

I wanted to move back but I was stuck, It felt like they was something blocking me from behind, I turned around to ask my maids for help but they were nowhere to be found.

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