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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”



My mind filled with curiosity, who opened my locker and how could they even am hundred percent sure I locked it up before leaving.

I glanced at the yellow sticky note glued on the surface of it and plunged it off, I began to read the words out loud but barely in a whisper.

**hey love, your clothes looked kind of dirty plus they stink so I decided to give them a little wash, thank me later**

**with love Maddie**

My eyes widened with realisation as I brought my soaked up cloths that were stuffed into my locker, almost everything in my locket was wet, I fisted the note into a plump biting my inner cheecks to cool myself down.

She never gives up, how could she even open my locker, I am definitely changing my code.

Cursing her under my breathe, I dug out my phone, it was  surprisingly  saved from the wet choas, I saw I had three missed calls and a text from belle.

*sorry sis but I couldn't wait any longer, the marathon of vampire diaries was about to start and I can't miss it for the world, happy trekking*

It took every thing in me not to throw my phone against the wall, plus I realised it was going to take a long time before I could get enough money to buy another, it sucks to be broke.

I swayed my hair sideways, what I do when am either pissed or nervous and right now i am so pissed and not to talk of the laziness crawling up inside me, I arranged my stuffs, squeezing out the remaining water my cloths absorbed on the floor, and am NOT cleaning it up, I stuffed them inside my bag and headed out.

I guess am to have to mange with my cheerleader's outfit.

After what felt like forever I saw the familiar surroundings of my house but was seemed weird were the black and sleek SUVs parked infront, I mentally counted them they were six.

Something is definitely up, something fishy.

"Guys am home!!" I yell my usual returning back home mantra, kicking off my sneakers and wearing some flat slippers my socks still on, I know mum is properly going to scold me about it but it is like a usual thing, it is in the blood now.

"Guys?!" I yell again when I don't receive a usual 'welcome home sweety' from mum or a ' good day at school??' from dad, heck I didn't even hear a 'go back to hell' from max.

something is up, wait did they go out for dinner with out me?!, I hope they didn't, if they did am going to crying myself to sleep cause they betrayal would hurt my soul.

Then an idea popped up in my mind, what if they were planning something for my birthday it is a week and a half away, they might be planning to throw a surprise party, I squealed and started doing my happy dance but then stopped but what if they weren't.

I dumped my bag close to where my shoes were and began looking, I checked the kitchen, dinning and living room but didn't see anyone and my lazy self was to tired to climb the stairs to look up, what if they weren't upstairs that means I could have to come down again.

Nope not doing that, it will be my last resort.

I headed towards the garden and I began to hear some voices, maybe they were actually planning my birthday, they might be throwing it in the garden, I squealed again but composed myself I have to act natural so that they don't suspect that I know their plans, I sucked deep breathes and walked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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