Chapter 1

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It's was late at night in America America had the highest kill count out of any people die from Murders every week so who cares if i add one more to the list a man said as he said that a woman comes out of the bar drunk

The women went through an ally to get home faster the man took this opportunity to rob this lady he follows her into the ally he pushes her against the wall and pulls a knife out and put it over her throat and put his other hand over mouth

Robber: yell or make any kind of noise you die do you understand

The women nods her head

Robber: good girl now give me your money

???: wow your robbing a lady you must be Pathetic but hey that's just my opinion

The robber look to see where the voice came from all he could see was a male shadow standing there

Robber: get out of here or your next

???: big threat are you sure you can live up to it

Robber: screw this you won't shut up I'll shut you up stay here lady

The robber threw the lady on the ground and came charging at the mysterious figure knife ready right before the man got the chances to swing he was frozen in ice the mysterious man walked past the robber to the lady she gets up the figure reach for her purse and picks it up he takes some money out of it and throws it to the lady

Lady: hey what are you doing that's my money

Figure: I don't work for free sweetheart

Just after the figure said that blue and red lights flash from both ends of the ally way the figure sighs in annoyance

The figure sits in side of a interrogation room waiting for someone one to come in and talk to him after about 5 minutes a lady in her 30s with sliver hair walks in and sits the opposite side of the figure

Lady: (Y/N) this is your fifth time here this month

(Y/N): really auntie Laura this is my fifth I thought it was my third

Laura: what did you do this time

(Y/N): I use my ice vision to freeze the robber

Laura: I thought you only had heat and radiation vision when did you get ice vision

(Y/N): after I learned I had lightning vision

Laura: your quirk is unbelievable

(Y/N): why am I here I saved that women

Laura: yeah you did but you use your quirk illegally and you took some of that lady's money

(Y/N): I'm not a hero I don't save for free

Laura: this is not a joke I told you you had one more chance but now it's out of my hands

(Y/N): what do you mean?

Laura: you attracted the attention of USA government

(Y/N): what's going to happen to me

Laura: I don't know

Y/N: good grief

Laura gets up and walks out the room you sit there bored for about 20 minutes until a man with grey hair and a suit walks in and sits down

Y/N: oh no it's the guy from mean in black

???: your in no position to make jokes mr.(L/N)

(Y/N): you know my name but I don't know yours

Agent X: just call me agent x

(Y/N): really agent x whatever what do you want

Agent x: to make you an offer

(Y/N): what type of offer

Agent x: you could go to jail until your 30 because you broken the law many times like you got into a fight with a gang and shot them through a building or how you take money from the people you save

(Y/N): how in the hell you know all that

Agent x: I read your file front to back I must say out of all the kids I seen your most Impressive your quirk is most powerful and you are good in hand to hand combat also your skilled in swords

(Y/N): true so what's the other part of the offer

Agent x: you go to Japan and attend U.A and represent America then after you pass come back here and be America hero

(Y/N): why would I do this

Agent x: the choice is not yours it your fathers

The agent gets up and walks out the door after about ten minutes Laura comes in and let's you go you walk home as soon as you open the door you hear your father get off the phone

F/N: so I'm guessing you already know what the phone call I just got was about

Y/N: yeah so what's the answer

F/N: your going to U.A

Y/N: I don't want to go

F/N: your other choice is jail and your not going to jail

Y/N: fine when do I leave

F/N: tomorrow at 10:00am and you staying with an old friend of mine

Y/N: who is it

F/N: Nemuri aka Midnight the X rated hero

Y/N: are you serious

F/N: yes I am

Y/N mind: hey this might no be as bad if I'm staying with her she hot

Y/N: fine

F/N: good

You go up to your room and pack your stuff you will need after about 5 minutes of packing you put on some shorts and flop on your bed put some headphones on and go to sleep

My hero Academia x male reader Where stories live. Discover now