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Dasom struggled to open her eyes, feeling heavy. Everything was heavy. Managing to finally open them, she felt tired. She wondered whether or not she was sick, while she sat up straight in her bed. Her bed. This wasn't her bed.
Widening her eyes, Dasom quickly looked around the unfamiliar room. Where was sh—

«No, no, no..» she mumbled to herself, wanting to cry. No way. Taehyung. The woods.
She shot up, running towards the door reaching for the handle. The girl felt confused as to why it wasn't locked, but didn't waste any second running out from the room. She needed to find the exit. Dasom started walking as quietly as possible, not wanting any attention on her escape plan. She didn't even know what Taehyung was capable of. The hallway felt too long, making her more alert. Finally she reached a stairway. Dasom peeked down, trying to look for a male hidden somewhere. Taehyung was probably waiting for her, ready to jump out and kill her. Her heartbeat quickened. She had to get out.
Dasom quietly made her way down the stairs, getting more and more nervous for every slow passing second. This was going too slow.

«I see you found your way out.» a deep voice suddenly spoke up, making her stop in her track, frozen. «Don't worry love, I'm glad you're comfortable.» the voice said once again. Taehyung. The man she did not want to see ever again. Dasom turned around, meeting his eyes as he stood at the top of the stairs looking down at her. If he hadn't kidnapped her, he would have looked like a regular man. Taehyung smiled, taking a step down. She had to leave. The girl quickly turned around, sprinting down the stairs, taking Taehyung by surprise. Dasom ran to the big door, trying to pry the door open. It was locked. Fuck. Turning around she saw Taehyung running down the stairs towards her, making her yelp. She quickly ran towards another hallway further in the house, not even knowing where she was headed. She just needed to get away from him.

«Dasom! Come back here now!» he roared behind her, making her panic even more.

Window. She had to find a window.
Frantically looking around, she tried to find a window she could escape from. There were none in the hallway. Dasom turned to the right, heading inside a room. It was dark inside, the only light source coming from a window. Dasom ran over, only focused on the window. Opening it, she heard Taehyung come closer to the room.
«Shit!» she mumbled, wanting to cry. As she tried to heave herself up, the door slammed open with an angry Taehyung standing there panting.

«Dasom... Get down, now.» he commaned, anger visible in his eyes. Dasom shook her head, «no you sick fuck!» she yelled, turning around to crawl outside. Dasom was quick to get her upper body out, but not fast enough. Taehyung gripped her legs harshly, dragging her back in. She screamed, trying to kick him in the face.

«Just listen to me!» he yelled, as she now was practially inside the house again. Her hands hung onto the windowframe for dear life as she cried. This couldn't be happening. This was real life. Her life. Not some kind of sick movie.
She was yanked away from the doorframe and placed on the cold ground. Taehyung sat on top of her, pinning down her arms.
«Let me go! Let me go!» she yelled while crying. The man smiled at her, still holding the scared girl.
«Dasom...» he started, looking at her with so much passion in his eyes that it was scary, «I will never hurt you. You are my soulmate. My everything. I just need you to work with me okay? Just do as I say, and you will live here happily.».
Dasom wanted to throw up at his sick words. She widened her eyes as she saw him leaning in closer. Taehyung closed his eyes shut, leaning in even closer. Dasom quickly spat in his face, making him stop in his tracks.

He chuckled, wiping away the liquid.
«You are a fierce one, I like it. I'll let it slide since you are upset right now.» Taehyung said, leaning down once again. Doing the same thing again, Taehyung once again stopped. This time he was angry.
«Oh so this is how you wanna play?» his voice was stone cold, making Dasom scared. What had she done? He got up and walked towards the door, turning on the light. She looked around the room, wanting to puke. She had never felt so sick before. The whole room was filled with photos. Photos of her only. All of them were sneak photos. Her in her room, in her underwear, at her work, walking outside. Dasom teared up, feeling scared to her bone.

«Look Dasom. I love you. Do you see all this? I did this all for you. Then you go ahead and spit on me? After all of this? After me taking you in here to live a happy life?» Taehyung said hurt, looking at her with an angry expression.
«I didn't want to do this, but you need a lesson.»

The girl windened her eyes, unsure of what he meant by that. Taehyung walked closer, making the frightened girl back away.
«Dont walk away from me, dont make it worse.» he spat, walking quicker towards her. Grabbing her arm, he dragged her out of the room.
«No please! Taehyung!» she cried, trying to fight against his steel grip.
«Taehyung please dont! I won't do it again I promise!» Dasom tried, her tears running down her cheeks. The man did not listen to her begging, continuing to drag her further into the big house. He stopped in front of a room, opening it before throwing her inside making Dasom land on the floor with a thud. She felt the pain in her side.

«Hmm, what should I do with you? My bad little Dasom?» he questioned, sounding like a sick person in her ears. Taehyung grabbed a rope, grabbing her hands and tying her up.
«Taehyung please!» she begged, looking at him with pleading eyes. He looked into her dark orbs, feeling sad for a second before returning to his cold self.
«Sorry love, you did this yourself.» he said simply, kissing her forehead. The tall man stood up again, walking back, before returning with a knife.
Dasom felt terrified. He wasn't going to kill her?
«No!» she cried out, trying to move away but it was no use.

His big hand grabbed her ankles, dragging her towards him. He brushed her thighs, feeling the soft skin.
«I'm sorry, hopefully next time we dont have to do this.» he smiled sadly, before pressing the cold knife on her warm skin. Dasom felt a sting of pain, as the knife cut her. Blood started running down from the wound, making her cry. Taehyung did one more cut, while the girl under him cried in pain. He threw the knife across the room, looking at Dasom. His hand found its way towards her cheeks and wiped away her salty tears. He stood up and headed out of the room, closing the door behind him.

The girl continued to cry. She couldn't believe what had just happened. How was someone so sick? The tears just continued to fall.
She didn't even know how long she had been crying, but she knew she had been laying there for a while because her body was numb from laying on the cold hard floor. Dason felt herself grow tired, exhausted from everything that had happened in such a short span of time. Closing her eyes, she felt somewhat at peace before drifting off to a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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