Chapter 20

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After Ruby left, I got up and took a shower. Then I put my Harley Quinn pajamas on and brushed my teeth. When I came out, I noticed Scott had changed also. "Well, it looks like someone has been working out" I said as he put his shirt on.

He blushed, "I have a little bit." he came over and hugged me. I kissed him on the lips. Blake walked in and fake coughed. We stopped kissing, but we were still hugging. "Yes?" I said. "Uh, do they fit, Scott?" He said looking at Scott.

"Yeah," he said looking at himself, "the shirt is a little big, but it's fine." "Ok" he said and then he walked out. He pulled me down his lap and then turned on my tv. "What do ya want to watch?" He asked me.

I hugged him, " What about...Tom and Jerry?" He turned on channel 65, and squeezed me tighter. "I will settle for that" he said. I put my head on his shoulder. Scott played with my hair while I watched the show.

We watched until 10 pm, then I passed out while laying on Scott...

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