Prologue {Old}

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Edit: This is an old prologue and I will be making this story but with a new prologue and I will use the comments already here if they match, when I started this story there was barely no plot and I was going to wing it like my first book but I've grown and will be planning this story out. For now the story is on hiatus until further notice!

Disclaimer: If you have trouble reading the glitched writing please use this: E = 3, C = €, O = 0, I = !, L = 1, S = $

I don't recognize must be a new voice..let's hope you're not the same as the bad voices..I am 3rr0r *ahem* I meant Error, I apologize. My voice tends to gl!t€h 0Ut fr0m time to t!m3. I am a god. The god of destruction..but I used to be so much more. Of course I don't remember, she wouldn't allow me, $HE told m3 it would be m0r3 pa!nfu1 to l0s3 something that you remember.

In any case $HE would be right..the voices are meant to keep me in remind me of d3str0ying..I was forced into this job but the last thing I remember of my timeline was my Papyrus..I don't remember how he acted or how he looked but..I remember his code name..and the color of his scarf, b1u3. His code name was 'Thread'..*sniff* *sob* but that w0rd br!ngs m3 m!s3ry..*The sobbing stopped after a bit*

Anyways you're here to hear about my story, correct?

If so, you may continue listening.

As the -Forced- *The word seemed to be crossed out* God of Destruction, I must destroy the AU copies..I never had to destroy the Original AU's but I accidentally destroyed UnderSwap, but I returned the human soul to Blue so he could restore his world. That was a long time ago..I currently am friends with Blue..I am friends with Lust aswell but I can barely visit them because of my reputation as a destroyer..

Outer was a spy, I should have not trusted him but I was r3a1ly d3sp3rat3 for s0m3b0dy to t@1k to and he just ended up talking to me without c@ll!ng Ink..I should probably talk about's hard to talk about but for the record I must t3ll y0u..I ended up revealing a weakness..they l3arn3d th@t I h@ted physical contact because when Out3r t0uched my shoulder I g1!t€h3d out completely and I €r@sh3d..The voices told me to not trust him after I rebooted so I just talk about my what AU's I destroyed and that's it..*sigh* I should've killed him but he's the I'll do it..I just avoid talking to him now..

Other than Lust and Blue, Nightmare's gang are my only friends..We've been through so mU€h t0g3th3r! I always h3al th3m wh3n th3y'r3 !nJur3d, and I a€t qui€kly s0 they don't die on the spot..I'm not ready for another loss..especially 0n3 th@t I'll r3m3mb3r..

The reason I never have an unglitched voice is because of the Anti-Void but I have to go there to heal..Destiny try their b3st to comfort me when I'm having p@ni€ atta€ks..the bad voices are from voices like you..some say nice things..others don't at all and say I should d!e..Fate can't control them because your voices aren't even from this world..Fate tr!3s to v!s!t me fr0m t!m3 to t!m3 to talk but she can n3v3r d0 it b3caUs3 $he is alw@ys so bUsy, there are just to0 m@ny w0rlds where she has to use her ability..

The neutral voices are probably the biggest group of voices..they're sometimes nice but not too nice and sometimes they're mean but no-where near as mean as the bad voices..but why am I explaining this to already know this..the path is yours to choose.
(Started getting lazy with glitched voice, normal voice from now on)
You might a11 be a$k!ng 0n h0w I g0t h3r3??

I don't remember..All I remember is that I was stuck here, viewing all the different timelines and listening to you voices..

That's memory doesn't expand beyond that..the only events I remember is what I did after I was finally free from the Anti-Void..when I was finally free I didn't have my blue strings yet..I needed one last thing to push me over the edge..keep in mind, everybody knew about AU's back then..and the 'creepy looking' ones were labeled as 'Dangerous AU's'..

*The screams of other monsters were heard*

*Some ran away some looked at me threateningly*

"Get away! We don't know who or WHAT are you but we don't want you here! You don't BELONG HERE!"


Tears started falling from my eye-sockets, 'Is that how I really appealed to others?? Am I really..' A spear of an Undyne was thrown at me, it hit my body immediately reacting..I wasn't good at dodging..I started screaming in pain..I was sobbing so much..I felt so unloved..SO BROKEN..I thought that when I was finally free, I would finally find somebody to help me..then I started feeling one of the biggest pains of my eyes felt like they were being ripped out of my felt like knives were cracking my soul open, slowly..

I screamed and screamed..the other monsters backed away a lot, all they could do was watch in terror.

After all of that was done I grabbed the monsters by my strings..I held their souls with blue strings..they were all panicking and with my second hand I wrapped my wound with the blue was like on just felt right, but at the same time I knew how wrong it was..

The voices told me to kill them..

They said some things that convinced me to believe they were right..I always thought that I would never be able to accept this job..but after I found friends..I just accepted myself..I still have my panic attacks and emotional breakdowns but I don't feel good or bad when destroying AU's anymore, it only truly hurts a bit when hurting the role of Papyrus..because they're too good for this multiverse..they don't deserve it..

Anyways! You must be asking how my battles with Ink, usually end? Right? Well Ink always fights me then retreats back to wherever he wants. Wait do you even know who Ink is? If you do, you can skip my explanation.

Ink is the God of Creation, you voices give him AU ideas and he draws them, he creates a lot of copies of each AU, especially Undertale. I don't understand why..but that doesn't matter. Ink doesn't have a soul of his own so he doesn't have emotions, it is confusing since Flowey can feel emotions just not love and compassion, when Flowey doesn't have a soul..but that's besides the point! Ink is do I say this without being idiot. Ink uses his vials to feel. Each one representing a different emotion, For example, Red means Wrath/Aggressivity, Pink means Love, Yellow means Happiness, Cyan means Inspiration, Blue means Saddness, Purple..I don't know yet because he never drank it in front of me or anybody for that matter, Orange means..creativity??? I'm not sure because all I know is that orange paint just creates objects, and I have no idea what Green means.

So the usual injuries I get after a battle with Ink is, 3 broken ribs, 1 twisted rib, and a spiderweb crack on my head. The wounds are immediately healed after I go to the Anti-Void, because Fate heals them.

Where am I now you may ask? I am in the Anti-Void, laying down, and staring at the billions of Frisk souls.....


Looks like my time is up for today, you can join me on my life by commenting, welcome home new voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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