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"Bre" Laila said before sitting up on my bed


"I wanna move out, I hate living with my momma she always got that nigga in the house" she said

"Oh wow" I said

"But I need a roomie" she said

"Omg are you asking me to live with you??" I asked

"I mean yea" she said

"of course I would love to live with my bestfriend" I said

"thank you so much" she said and hugged me

"So i've already been looking at apartments and there are some nice ones around here that's actually pretty cheap"

"Let me see" I said

She handed me her phone and I looked at  it scrolling through some of the apartments she has saved

"what about this one for 1,600" I said

"they do look nice" she said

My phone rang and I saw it was Kahlil

"Hello" I said answering the phone

"You still coming to see me?" He asked

"Uh yea I am" I said

"Alright be safe" he said and hung up

"Child let me go ahead and leave" I said

" wait I wanna go" Laila said and hopped up

"You don't even know where I'm going" I laughed

"I know it's somewhere with Khalil and if he's there then Tre gone be there" she said

"Well damn come on" I said and grabbed my keys

We left the house and got in the car heading to Khalil's house

I pulled up and got out knocking on the door. Tre answered and let us in

"Hey y'all" I said

"Wassam" Tay said

"Hey hoe" Tre said and mushed my head

"leave me alone" I mugged him

I walked into the house and upstairs to Khalil's room seeing him on the game

"Khalil" I said

"Hi" he said and picked me up

"I missed you" i said

"You just saw me yesterday" he laughed

"Ok and????" I said

"Alright," You ready to go?" He asked

"Go where?" 

"You'll see" he said and grabbed my hand

We left the house and he drove to our destination. After a while he pulled up to this field

We got out and started walking until we stopped at a small picnic on the ground

"Awwww" I said looking at him

"Just a lil sum" he said

" this is so cute" I said

"I wanted to do something for you, I know you been a little stressed with graduation and everything" he said

"Thank you so much" I said

We sat down and enjoyed the Picnic while taking pictures to capture the memories

After a hour of being here we finally packed up and went home. He pulled up to the house and we got out going inside

"Shut the fuck up talking to me" I heard Laila say

I walked towards the noise and saw here and Tre staring each other down

"Well what's going on hereee" I asked

"he's a hoe" she said

"Aye watch ya mouth" he said

"Okayyy Laila come on let's go" I grabbed her arm and walked out the door

"Ouuuu I hate him" she said

"Well what do you expect? It's Tre" I laughed

"You still wanna go look at this apartment with me?" She asked

"Yea I'm down" I said

We got in the car and she drove to the apartment complex. When we pulled up there was already a realtor lady there waiting on us

"Hi I'm Ashley , it's so nice to meet you" she said and shook Laila's hand

She walked us up the the apartment and let us look around

"Oh yea i like this" I said and walked to the kitchen

"I love how modern and up to date it is" Laila nodded

"2 bedroom with 2 and half bathrooms I like it" I said

"Soooo what do you think?" She asked

"i think it's worth it" I laughed

We told Ashley that we wanted this apartment and she took us back to her office to sign the paperwork and write a check

After that she gave us both a set of keys to our new apartment

"Omgggg" Laula said and hugged me

"I can't believe I just bought an apartment with my bestfriend" I said

"And we ain't even graduate yet" Laila added

"that's goals" I said

Wow I'm moving in with my bestfriend

Please excuse any mistakes

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