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Hours had passed as Maia and I lay there in silence. I knew she was worried about me, about how I was coping, yet she lay there, stealing glances she didn't know I saw, as if trying to make out what was going through my head.

The truth was, I don't know what I'm thinking. I don't really know what to think. In a matter of days, my life, as I knew it, had changed. Given the life I've had, you'd think I'd be used to it by, as if, by some miracle, I'd stopped getting comfortable in solidity and permanence.

It'd been hours and the boys hadn't returned. They'd kept pretty hush on what they knew, even Maia kept quiet, scared even a molecule of information would trigger a spiral of emotions. Not knowing, though, that's the worst part. Where are they? Why is this happening? Who's behind it? They're all questions with answers I need to find. But there's one question, one that, up until now I thought I knew, that is more pertinent than the others. Three small, meaningless words.

Who am I?

Those three words haunted my thoughts and I knew they weren't going to stop until I found out the truth. I don't care what I have to do to find my answers, I just know I have to find them and if tonight proved anything, it was that.

The TV blared in the background, the moment she knew what was going on, she suggested a movie to take my mind off it. I appreciated it, although it didn't really work, the effort was there. Unlike all the other times we'd sat and watched movies, Maia didn't choose one of her beloved sappy romances. From what I could make out of this one, it was some young adult drama. On a good day, I know it's something that would have my eyes glued to the screen for ten hours straight, but not today, any day but today.

'We're gonna figure it out' Maia, the first to speak, pulls me away from my thoughts, forcing my attention to her face, etched with worry.

I look away from her, staring off into nowhere, nodding slightly, 'yeah..', I trail off, not really believing her.

'Kaleb is one of the most skilled trackers I've ever known, if anyone can find who did this, it's him. I promise you, Faith, we'll keep you safe.' I couldn't meet her eyes, as tears welled up in my own.

'Cause it's your job, right?' A humourless laugh escapes my throats, 'Because you think I'm this Alya girl, who you all idolised at one point. And what about my mom, huh?' My voice cracks, 'what if she had been home when this happened? Do you really think I'd be able to live with myself if something had happened to her because some demon bounty hunter was looking for me, or the girl it thinks I am? Because I don't'

I take a deep breath as the words mellow, Maia doesn't answer straight away, she pauses slightly before lifting her eyes to meet mine, 'I know you don't want to believe it, I know its impossible to believe, we've provided you with next to no evidence to suggest you are a Beauregard but, Faith,' She reaches for my hand reassuringly, 'I promise you, even if you weren't, we'd protect you just the same, not because it's our job but because you're one of our own. You're like family to me, a best friend, a sister even, you changed my life and I felt it the moment I met and I'm so sorry for how we changed yours. We'll protect your mom, you have my word'

I turn to face her, tears falling down my cheeks, 'How?' I start breathlessly, 'How can you be so sure in one thing? How can you be so sure I'm her?'

'Kaleb.' She replied simply, she lets out a sigh, making it clear she's holding something back, 'The relationship between you... Alya and Kaleb, was something even the gods couldn't have predicted, it was strong, like nothing ever seen between a Guardian and their Knight. You were aware of each other, you moved in sync, he knew when she needed him and she knew when he needed her. You're her, Faith, there isn't a doubt in my mind.' Her words were so finite, they left no room for questioning, 'I know its hard for you to understand, I just need to you to trust me.'

I take a second to respond, it's a lot to trust in one person. The desperation in her eyes, however, was enough for me to know she would try.



Just a short little filler chapter to learn a bit more about both Alya and Faith xoxo

~~❤Word Count = 786 ❤~~

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