Part 15

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'Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night.'

-Edna St. Vincent Millay

Hayworth Estate;

Geoffrey had never thought the day would come when he would be setting foot in Hayworth Estate again.
The place was a reminder of his recurring nightmare, a memory so profoundly painful that it never managed to evade him even for a second.

But he had been grossly mistaken, for there he was, witnessing another agonising moment. The woman he had considered no less than his own mother, was lying cold beneath the ground.
She had left the world, taking with her the last vestiges of hope that he had buried in some obscured corner of his heart. It did not matter that she was a gentle and kind soul, never having hurt anyone in her life; she had been like Saya- too pure for this wretched world.

For the first time in years, he felt sympathy for the man who had once been one of his dearest friends. They had hardly spoken a single word to each other since Saya’s death. But now, seeing Zachary standing with the most defeated look he had ever seen on his face, Geoffrey felt the need to comfort him.

The man had lost his mother. He knew well enough how much Zachary had cared for Lady Margaret. Since his father’s death, she had been Zachary’s world. No matter what had transpired between them over the years, Geoffrey knew that her death must have been devastating for him.

He found himself moving towards his bent figure, swallowing the lump in his throat.

Zachary gave no indication of hearing him. He continued to gaze at the freshly covered grave, his eyes devoid of any life.

“She wished you were her son. I could see it in her eyes.”

Geoffrey frowned at his words. He did not know the extent of animosity between the mother and son. He only knew that Lady Margaret had never forgiven Zachary for abandoning Saya.
He himself, could never blame her for that; for, his own hatred for this man- one who so callously discarded the woman who deserved to be loved wholeheartedly- knew no bounds.

“You know that is not true. She is- was your mother. She was disappointed, but would always love you.”

Geoffrey’s words held no warmth.
They stood side-by-side; their eyes fixed ahead.

Zachary gave a rueful smile.
If only he knew…

“I failed her, Geoffrey. I failed too many people in my life, people I should have cherished. My father, my mother, my wife, my friends, my children…”

His words choked as he bit back a bitter laugh.

“I might be deemed as the most miserable man. Remember how I boasted about being the best Knight in the entire Kingdom? The most honourable and courageous?”

He looked at him then. His eyes were still blank.

“I was an imposter. Look at what I am now.”

Geoffrey’s frown deepened. There was something in those eyes- something he couldn’t decipher.

They stood there for a few more moments, a morose silence floating around them.
Geoffrey did not say anything. Years ago, he would have held him, embraced him and told him to be brave in this time of loss. But now, they were nothing more than strangers.
He had once thought he knew this man, but he had been wrong- bitterly wrong.

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