5. Sumi Gazō

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Sumi = Elegant, refined
Gazō = Picture

Another BNHA Staff one but for this one I wanted to do one with a less heroic quirk because I already did two pro heros.

Background Info

Gender Identity: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian 💗
Relationship Status: Single
Age: 31

Hero Name: Doesn't have one since her quirk isn't particularly heroic, but she can use it to help police.

Position at UA: Photography Teacher & Yearbook Club Supervisor

Quirk: Snapshot.
Can take pictures from memory, so if she witnesses a crime she can take a literal picture of the culprit(s) from memory.

Drawbacks: It's useless if the memory is too distant and she can't remember all the details.

Personality: Loves adventure and trying new things, but also a total bookworm and poetry lover, use to have a photography class on weekends.

Appearance: Brown hair she keeps in space buns, deep violet eyes, thick rimmed glasses, black turtleneck, skinny jeans, slide on vans, brown messenger bag, and Nikon camera (this is mostly for show). 

Hero Costume: Doesn't have one.

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