Not the time....yet

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"Felix?? Hello?! " Jisung waved his hand in front of Felix's face, as he was spaced out. "Huh? Oh yeah continue, don't mind me.. " Felix replied. "You're spacing out" Chan stepped in to the conversation. "Sorry it's just.. Should we tell Hyunjin? We're so close to the day when we leave and... Well he doesn't know and-" "Hey guys!" Hyunjin had came from the bathroom. They were in Chan's room. Chan was on his bed, along with Jisung. Felix was on the floor, looking outside the window, and Hyunjin had been in the bathroom. "What's going on? Y'all became quiet! " Hyunjin laughed. Felix turned to Chan, as did Chan. He mouthed 'no' with a serious face. Felix looked down and stood up. "I'm going to take a walk.. Uhm my parents are probably waiting for me and.. Yeah bye" He said, looking disappointed that Chan didn't tell Hyunjin. They had been friends for only 3 days but their friendship with hyunjin has grew stronger and stronger by the millisecond. How could they not trust him? To add even more confusion, Hyunjin always look mentally stable but came to the other 3 with either a bruise or a 'little' cut. Felix thought everyone could be trusted but he just wants to know more about Hyunjin.

Anyways, here Felix was, outside BigHit University, where his bullies were. They occasionally came to his high school just to bully him of course, or to make everyone fear and die because of their "velvet voices". Yes, that's how they had everything under their control. Felix walked past the university and continued walking. " HEY BOY!! RUN" someone shouted. He looked at their direction and saw someone being stabbed. The murderer headed for him. Felix widened his eyes and ran. He managed to hide behind a store's wall. The unknown murderer went in the same direction as him, but luckily he hide just in time. "Come out" The voice was familiar to Felix, yet he didn't recognize it. He debated in his head whether to run for it or stay there and wait. He took the safer option and stayed there. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm only here to help" The person started getting nearer and nearer to Felix. "Hey" They bent down in front of Felix, making him jump slightly. "Please don't k-kill me.. " Felix covered his eyes and let his tears run.

"Kill you? I'd never! " They stood and pretended to faint, as to try to make him laugh, which was what they did. "But... Who are you?? " Felix questioned. "My name is J- Oh hell no, run" Felix got up and saw another person with a gun. "Run, don't let her find you" The person exclaimed. Felix ran again, as fast as he could, both of the unknown people following. "Get in there! " The previous person yelled. They soon entered a car, belonging to the unknown person. "Phew.. Who was THAT???! " Was all Felix could let out while panting. "That, was Yeji.. One of the most wanted criminals." They replied, taking their hood off. "And I'm Jennie" They proceeded. "Well, uhm, Jennie... Can you please tell me where Jisoos cafe is? It's near my home and I'm really tired and need to head home soon" Felix said. He really didn't want to walk but he knew Chan and Jisung were worried sick. Hyunjin? Well he didn't know. He probably doesn't care about him. As he left his phone at his house, he can't call anyone to pick him up or tell anyone what just went down. "Want me to drop you off? I know that whole neighborhood" "Really? Thank you!! Wait do you have a body in your trunk? " "Pfft-"  Jennie laughed and eventually Felix joined in.

" Have fun, bye Felix. " Jennie laughed, still finding Felix cute for saying such things about her and her life as 'a murderer'. "Yeah, fun.. Wait! Can I have your number? " He asked, but how could anyone say no to Lee Felix? "Hmm, sure. Just don't call me like 50 times a day. " She laughed but then had a serious face. "I won't! "Felix smiled. " Alright, it's xxx-xxx-xxxx" "I'll call you tomorrow, right now my friends are probably worried" Jennie smiled at the thought of Felix being safe, as he is in danger. The innocent boy doesn't even know at all. "Stay safe! Bye" "Byee Jennie!! " They waved back at each other. Little did Felix know that Jennie knows Hyunjin. Very well. Maybe a bit too well. And she knows all about his plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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