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- Gonta, Ryoma
- Fluff
- Art by | Some_Dumb_Lesbian_Bitch on instagram


Ryoma wasn't one to 'love' exactly. The feeling and word was foreign to him after his past. After his girlfriend and family died, He didn't feel anything besides regret and hate. But he was mainly stuck with his own sadness. His own thoughts even scared him. When he was in jail nothing mattered. To be quite frank, his time in prison was awful. He didn't want to go back, and thankfully, he won't. There's a new life for him here. A new life with a certain person, hopefully.

Gonta Gokuhara.

The name made him feel butterflies of all kinds fluttering in his stomach. Like the said boys bug collection suddenly found his way into the shorter, invading his stomach and making him feel things he hasn't felt in ages. Ryoma tries to keep up the 'cool guy' persona he puts on for himself, but when he's with Gokuhara.. everything else seems to be unimportant. It's just the (extremely) tall man and Ryoma. And that's all that matters.

His other classmates, however, were questionable. But, Ryoma was a questionable figure aswell, so he supposed he was a bit hypocritical. Akamatsu and Saihara were kind to him, along with Amami and Shinguji, even if korekiyo was a bit unsettling at times.. His classmates seem to balance eachother out nicely. They were all interesting, including the ones he didn't like so much. Iruma wasn't pleasant (especially with all of the 'shower' jokes. Those weren't funny nor amusing to Ryoma, but that's besides the point.) but she had her ups, just like Ouma. Shirogane usually sat with Gokuhara and Ryoma at lunch, which he was thankful for. She wasn't so bad. The others tolerated him, which is all he asked for. Though some are quite distant. Ryoma also acted like that at times, so he couldn't blame them.

Hoshi was in his room, sitting on his bed as he fiddled with the chain on his ankle. His small hands messing with the cool metal, humming. A loud knock at the door snapped the tennis player out of his daze, he lifted himself off his bed with a grunt, walking over to the door and taking a deep breath, opening it up.

He was met with someone taller than him, of course. He hated being short. Ryoma was always made fun of for that, or mistook as a child. His voice made up for his small stature, he guessed. Ryoma looked up and was met with the face of Tojo. The boy respected the Maid immensely, she always tries to do her best for everyone here, including herself, which was impressive. He could never do that, even if he tried. Ryoma would always offer to Help kirumi if she needed assistance, even if He knew well that she would decline. He also knew the woman could handle things herself quite well. Ryoma bit the inside of his cheek, not having a candy cigarette or anything to chew on at the moment.

"I am so sorry to bother you, Hoshi-Kun." The maid said, nodding her head and remaining professional. The shorter boy could see she was holding something, her gloved hands grasping something that looked like en envelope. Ryoma raised an eyebrow, but let Tojo continue. The girl cleared her throat. "You've received a letter from someone who has decided to remain anonymous. I am here to deliver it to you."

"A letter?"

"A letter." The maid assured. Ryoma stood there for a moment. It was strange, who would want to write a note to *him*? Ryoma was a bit confused, but held out his hand, and kirumi gently placed the envelope in his hand. It had 'Ryoma' written on the back from what he could tell, and Ryoma nodded. "Thank you, Tojo." Ryoma said, inspecting the fine white paper. It had a red sticker of some sort sealing it. And the boy was right, his name was written on the back.

"I appreciate it." Ryoma said, nodding and looking up. He wasn't very good with conversation or thanking people. "I live to serve." Kirumi promptly responded. It's nice she had a reason. They stood there and made up small talk before Kirumi bowed her head. "It seems like you don't need any more assistance. Thank you for your time Hoshi-Kun. If you'd like assistance, please inform me." The girl said calmly. Her voice was toned just right to pin on the point she was clearly professional and good at what she does. Mature, ryoma thought. The male thanked the other again and she walked off, and ryoma closed the door.

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