*A few weeks has passed since Liu, I haven't seen or heard from him but lately I been forgetting a lot of stuff, I don't know why even my nightmare dreams that I grown used to is gone, now it's just dreaming of family and friends I don't want that. Well but not this one. "I was walking in town by myself thinking of my family and what I could do to help or something. When I saw something at the corner of my eye, I followed whatever it was to I think it was downtown or something because it looked abandoned not a lot of people around. I started to get closer to it untill I saw it was the guy with a blue mask. He looks like he was trying to get away from me but why? What's his name- fuck I can't remember Jack-...*
Wait Jack stop please.
*He stop as he was about to jump into a window, he turn and looked at me as I get on his level.*
Why are you running away from me?
Ej: You chose them over us that's what!
*His voice was deep and raspy, it made my body shiver but I wasn't scared, I was confused on what he said by I chose my family over his family I don't know what he's talking about.*
Jack I don't know what your talking about at all. The first time I ever saw you was a couple of months ago in my dream and I looked you guy's up on the internet and I know some of yours guy's names. I know there's so many of you guy's. I didn't know to call you "Jack or Ej".
Ej: Just call me Ej.....there's too many Jack's here.
Ok Ej.
Ej: So you don't remember? Or even our promise?
Remember what Ej and what promise....please tell me?!
*I was confused and scared then it felt like I was in 3pov and saw those 3 guys, Ticky Toby, Masky and Hoodie just looking at us. Surprised to see me talking to Ej, who then grabbed my hand and pulled me inside*
Ej: You change so much. You were just like- *He stops talking as someone else was talking to him because he kept on whispering and mubbling and shaking his head. I heard static again from my dream but this time I heard a voice deep and scary. It made my body shake as I was in front of a dangerous animal.*
??????.: Eyeless Jack......don't mess with her....she got a life now.......you know what to do.
*It stop as Ej looked at me, I feel in his sadness.*
Ej: Turn around and close your eye's.
*for some reason I listen to him, I turn around and close my eyes*
Ej: Am sorry....
*Just when I was about to ask why when I felt something hit my head hard as I fall down my face meeting the ground I was greeted by sleep and darkness. I heard some voices in my sleep. One sounded husky, the second one was deep but I think had like a voice changer or something like from the movie scream by ghostface. The last one he was shuddering but his voice sounds normal to me, I don't mind the shuddering then I couldn't hear anything anymore. I wake up outside my house. In my dream then I wake up for real. Now today my family mostly mom and wanted me to go out with them for some work or whatever my baby sister is so lucky to be a home with a babysitter.*
Mom: your coming with me to the store ok?
Dad: Don't get wonder off like you were as a kid.
*The more they talked the more angry I get but I have to push that aside.*
Yes mom and dad.
Dad: Good now I have to go and pay rent you girls go and have fun ok see my lovely queen and princess at home.
*With that he walked away disappearing into the crowd of people, I hate people calling me princess specially from my own father but that's how family works.... I guess, soon after that I follow mom into a big store, not like a surpermall big but like one of those stores that looks small on the outside but absolutely big on the inside.*
Mom: Hey dear I want to ask you something and I want your opinion on something.
*Oh now she wants my opinion, I was fucking force to come out here. I don't like to "talk or be around people" now what's that called again... Oh yeah antisocial or antisocial personality disorder a shorter thing is called ASPD, some doctors say that it could also said like bipolar and some symptoms like.
.exploited manipulate or violate the rights of others.
.Lack of concern, regret and or remorse about other people's distress.
.Behave irresponsibly and show disregard for normal social behaviour
have difficulty sustaining long-term relationships.
.Be unable to control their anger
lack guilt, or not learn from their mistakes.
.Blame others for problems in their lives.
.Repeatedly break the law.
And so on but what the doctor said surprised everyone but my mom the most "Antisocial personality disorder affects more men than women. It's not known why some people develop antisocial personality disorder, but both genetics and traumatic childhood experiences, such as child abuse or neglect, are thought to play a role." Just as he finished my mother dragged me out of office really fast. I don't know why. It was only for my check up then I explained why I don't like to hang around people and stuff as soon my mother heard that from my mouth...her face looked so pissed off as my dad looked confused and scared so here I am now with my parents in town to social with other people and what not. I looked around in this store until I found a section of books.*

Strange dreams that are too real
Mystery / ThrillerThis is from a couple of dreams that I had when I a teen. if you want more I can write it here. Or maybe they are real?(Remember this is just what I saw in my dream and to me these pictures was the closest to what I saw them. People may see they dif...