One Shot Request Form

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If you want to request a certain story please feel free to message me with the following things so I can make it the best I can! Thanks!


1. Name of Character

2. Normal story, Lemon, or Smut

3. Boy or Girl reader (he/she pronouns used in place of name)

4. A general plot line of what you want the story to focus on

5. Certain clothes or special items you wish the reader to wear or have((if you don't want to include this you don't have to))

6. General place where you want the story to take place

7. Whether you want the story dedicated to you or not

I think I that about covers it. Thank you again for reading!!


((((((side note ALL stories that have EXPLICIT CONTENT will be marked with an (!) in the chapter name. If you wish not to read those then please feel free to skip them. Thanks again!))))))

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