Turnabout Beginnings [Day 1 Trial]

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Mae's POV

December 3rd, 10:00 AM. District Court. Courtroom No. 3.

Alright Mae... You can do this. It's just your first trial that you just happen to also have to do alone. Don't panic about the fact you're going up against one of the more well known defense attorneys. I've got all the evidence I could get on this. There's even witnesses lined up. I just hope we get the right verdict.

"Let the trial begin for Calvin Antony." Oh crap the judge has started talking. Just remember everything will be fine, there's nothing to worry about. "Prosecution, are you ready?"

"Y-yes! The prosecution is ready, your honor!" Dammit, why did I have to stutter? Pull yourself together.

"Defense, are you ready?"

"The defense is ready to begin, your honor," the woman across from me said as she shot me a reassuring smile. Not helping. A smile doesn't help calm your nerves if it's from someone that looks like an absolute bean.

The judge hit down his gavel. "Court is now in session for the murder of Steve Broski. Prosecution may begin their opening statement." The defendant seemed to flinch at the mention of his name. Perhaps they were actually friends? Evidence does point that they knew each other somewhat well at least.

"The victim, Steve Broski, died of poisoning from a currently unknown substance during a winter trip about a year ago. The forensics team is currently trying to look into what exactly the poison was." That was easier to say than I thought. Maybe I can do this right. "The court is suspecting the defendant, Calvin Antony, for being responsible for the poison."

I sighed and rested my hand on the bench. "I would like to call up the first witness. Witness, please state your name and occupation." Really? "Please"? I couldn't just order them to do what the court requires of them? Wow...

A man in uniform walked up to the stand. "My name is Jeffery Dante. I'm a worker at the radio station closest to the place where the crime took place." I caught a quick glance at the confused expression on the defense's face before pushing on.

"Testify to the court about what you heard during the distress call," I ordered from them. The defense is now smirking. What are they possibly thinking about?

- Witness Testimony: The Distress Call -

The man adjusted a clearly broken headset and went on. "It was morning the day of December 15th, when the station received a signal from a strange location. I was the one who picked up the message and I heard a distressed voice asking for help. They mentioned someone had been trying to hurt them and they needed help quickly as one of their friends was already dead. I worked out a plan with my fellow workers and I relayed to the other end that help would arrive the next day. As I was doing that, I heard a door open. The last thing they did was thank me and that was it."

So the victim was friends with whoever sent the message. Interesting. The door opening could have possibly been the defendant. Gah, why is the defense looking so smug?! This shouldn't be helping her case.

The judge spoke, "The defense may begin the cross-examination."

"You heard a distressed voice asking for help?"

"Indeed, I did."

"Could you describe it?" she asked, smiling.

My witness scratched their chin and shook their head. "I can remember it though. I never forget the voices I hear out there," Jeffery said with a salute. The defense attorney's smile widened.

The defense attorney's smile widened. She pulled up a video and played a clip of it. The facecam in the corner seemed to be showing the defendant. "Does this voice match the one you're describing, perhaps?" Jeffery's eyes widened as he nodded fiercely. "It's a video from my client's personal YouTube channel." What?! Why would the murderer be the one calling for help? Something has to be wrong.

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