New Reality

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This is my first SI fanfic, which is also a one-shot. Sorry for not updating for a long time, but things have been hectic in my new life-besides the writer's block. I've got many ideas, but can never really have them all as a story for some reason. Hope you enjoy!

Staring at the downtrodden bullied boy, Aria Ashwood-formally Vent-couldn't stand at the sidelines anymore. She had promised herself when she was reborn into this world and had gotten her Hogwarts letter, she wouldn't interfere with anything. That she would keep her head down, learn as much as she could while appearing ordinary.

And she achieved that. She was the loner orphan muggleborn within Ravenclaw now in her forth year. She wasn't at the top of her class, but she wasn't at the bottom. You could always find her in the library, or she'd spend her time in the Room of Requirement learning everything she could about this world.

When Aria had first realized that she was reborn in a fictional world, she was happy. Magic! She could use magic! Sure it sucked at the orphanage, but she had fixed that with her personal elf Dolly after her first year. Now she was simply left alone and had proper food again.

The Wizarding World was so prejudice against muggleborns, that Aria decided to simple graduate and then get her GSCE when she was done. It wouldn't be hard, as she already had a diploma and a degree in medical school. She'd have to brush up though, but it wouldn't be a problem for her to disappear.

The heritage test she had preformed had shown her related to an old pureblood family called the Ashwood. Everyone though their line died out, but it didn't and she was lucky she had access to it, because they were stinkin' rich! Add the money and gems she traded the goblins with from the RoR, she didn't have to work a single day if she didn't want to. Best part was that Gringotts had branches all over the world, so she could leave the country and still have access to her money.

Aria was very realistic. Voldermort was going to come back, that was certain. She wasn't going to be here when that had happened. She was a muggleborn and if they didn't want her than she'd leave with her magical knowledge and go else where. She owed them nothing.

And then she had seen Harry Potter. He was smaller than she had expected. Thinner too and she wondered if he was physically abused. She found out he was and watched in disbelief when no one did anything-including himself. She knew he did what people told him to in the books, but he was an orphan-like her!-and the first thing she did when she found out about magic was get a better life for her.

For heavens sake the amount of time the boy went to the hospital, you'd think the school healer would have done something. But no, they didn't. Aria would have done something, but the boy wasn't doing anything for himself-and yes she spied on him for a bit even when he went home. There was something all orphans understood-if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself. Harry Potter didn't seem to get the memo.

So she left him. When everyone turned their backs on him during second year, during the whole Sirius Black thing and now when it came to the tournament. The guy was getting bullied, everyone knew, and none of the teachers were doing a thing. Even his so-called best friend Ronald Weasley had turned his back on him and what did the boy do?

He brooded!


He was still waiting for someone to do something for him and it just pissed her off so much! This was the fourth year he was in the magic world, why didn't he realize that he was only a puppet for these people, a pawn to be used and discarded whenever they felt like it.

So she had Dolly kidnap him and here they were. In the RoR with a tied up Harry Potter and her, Aria Ashwood, glaring down at him.

"W-What are you doing?! Let go of me!" he struggled and she snarled. The first wandless spell she learned was a cutting spell to get her free.

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