Prologue: Tell Me What Happened

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Well hello there my lovely readers. 😄 Welcome to Boogeyman Origins, the prequel to The Boogeyman which is yet again centered around our baby Deaky in his point of view. Prologue will be the only chapter set in 3rd person. For new readers I recommend you start with The Boogeyman first before reading this. Or don't, it doesn't really matter, hehe. :P So in this story, there's going to be more focus on John's fears, how he joined the band, how he and Freddie began their relationship and whatnot. Also I don't really know where exactly I'll be going with this but I do have a lot of ideas in mind. I might include scenes from the Bohemian Rhapsody movie too. :P

Anyways this story is Rated M for language, possible sexual content, dark thoughts that might include suicidal thoughts, and other possible things. Quick disclaimer that this is purely fanfiction and not real and is in no way meant to disrespect the band. Enjoy and please excuse mistakes I don't catch in proofreading. ❤️


The terrible sounds of screaming, crunching of bones, and blood, so much blood, entered his mind. He could still see the terrified look in his fathers eyes as it grabbed him from the shadowy depths of the closet and dragged him in. And all he could do was sit on his bed and watch in horror as he died. He felt it was all his fault. That's what his mother always told him as well as the voices in his head.

"John?" Dr. Newton says.

Snapped out of his thoughts, the young boy looked up into the face of the man he trusted the most, Dr. Thomas Jerome Newton. Just his name and presence radiated calmness for eleven year old John Deacon who had been coming to The Leicester Children's Institution for the past five years. His eyes scanned over Dr. Newton's bright red hair. In certain lighting it almost looked orange but today it was red. Next he looked into his two different colored eyes. He always wondered if he was some sort of magical being but was always too shy to ask.

"Can you tell me what happened?" the young man asks in a soft voice. "About that night?"

John lowered his head while wringing his hands together, something he always did when he was nervous. Dr. Newton noticed the habit, briefly glad that today the young boy wasn't digging his fingernails into his own skin to the point of making himself bleed.

"I saw him," John says, his voice low.

"Saw who?"

John looked up, his greyish green eyes glossy as he swallowed the lump forming in his throat. His gaze then darted towards the closed closet door on the other side of the room.

Dr. Newton looked over his shoulder, then back at John. "What is it?"

The boy shook his head. "Nothing."

"Would you like to see what's in there?" he asks as if reading his mind.

John nodded and held his breath as Dr. Newton stood from his chair and moved over towards the closet.

Gonna get you, John! He's gonna get you!

He opened it and John flinched, half expecting the doctor to be grabbed up by the shadows but instead, all that was inside was some coats hung up on a rack with a pair of polished dress shoes on the floor below. Nothing else.

"Do you want me to keep this open?"

John quickly shook his head and Dr. Newton closed the door, then sat back down in his chair. "Alright, let's continue. What did you see the night your father died?"

John hesitated, afraid to even utter the very name that had caused him nothing but horrific nightmares and tormenting thoughts.

The doctor sensed his hesitation. "It's alright, John. Remember this is a safe environment. What did you see?"

John lowered his head again. "I saw the Boogeyman."

"Where did you see him?" Dr. Newton asks.

"In my bedroom," he says. "He was sitting on my chair staring at me. I turned my lamp on and he disappeared."

"Did you leave the light on?"

The boy shook his head. "My lamp fell and broke...then I saw him again. So I hid and that's when my father came into the room."

"What did he do?"

"He looked around my room after I told him I saw him. He checked everywhere except the closet until I pointed to it. He thought the whole thing was funny but he still checked anyway. I should've never told him to look in there."

"Why is that?"

John lifted his head, looking Dr. Newton straight in the eye. "Because that's where the Boogeyman grabbed him."

The images of that moment flashed through his mind, the scene replaying in his head. He visibly shuddered at the memory.

"What was he wearing?" Dr. Newton asks, pulling John away from his thoughts.

John shrugged. "Some sort of hooded cloak. I couldn't see him very well. It was dark. He was like a misty shadow. I saw him reach for my father and pull him into the closet. Then the door slammed shut."

"Did you open it?"

John shook his head. "I called out for my father."

"Then what?"

"He flew out and hit the floor," John continues. "He looked so scared and I wanted to help him b-but I-I couldn't move. Then he dragged him back. His screams scared me and all I could hear was his body being slammed into the door frame." He paused, his bottom lip trembling as a tear ran down his cheek. "A-And then he was dead."

And it's all your fault you stupid little shit!

"The Boogeyman killed him?"

The young boy avoided eye contact while nodding his head. Dr. Newton wordlessly passed him a box of tissues. After a moment, John recovered with a deep shaky breath.

"I seem to understand your mum mentioning a thunderstorm that night, correct?"

"Yes," John says.

"So with your astraphobia and scotophobia, they mixed together and created what you feared the most. Your fathers death created these images, making it look like the Boogeyman appeared out of the closet and killed him. Now you don't really believe it was the Boogeyman, do you?"

"But...I saw him," John whispers.

"But did you really?" Dr. Newton questions, raising an eyebrow. "Think about it for a moment. Did you actually see him? Or was it merely a figment of your imagination because you were having difficulty comprehending the situation?"

John thought about it for a moment and when he said nothing, Dr. Newton continued.

"It wasn't the Boogeyman that did it. Your father died of a heart attack brought on by stress. He didn't kill Robert, either. He died of an accidental drowning. But their deaths were not your fault, ok? Look at me, John."

The boy looked up at his trusted mentor with tear filled eyes.

"It's not your fault. Can you repeat that?"

"It's not my fault," the boy says.

Oh but it is.

Please leave me alone.

Dr. Newton smiled warmly. "Good boy. Now whenever those negative thoughts enter into your mind, I want you to remind yourself that their deaths were not your fault nor was it the Boogeyman. Can you do that for me?"

John nodded. "Y-Yes."

"In order to get better, you have to stop believing in the Boogeyman. You can't go on living in fear..."


I don't know, what ya'll think? Good so far? :)

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