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Pyramid Head walked slowly throughout the towns ally ways, dragging his blade behind him.

he was in need of a companion. Not a nurse, or a mannequin, he needed someone, or something,

That could keep him company, someone that could help him. He sighed, and continued on.

Suddenly he heard a yell come from down the block.

it sounded female. pyramid head continued in that direction, until he could make out a figure of a young girl.

she seemed to be about 19 or 20, he thought.

The young woman screamed at the sight of him, and fell backwards. Pyramid head stood motionless,

His blade held loosely in his hand. the girl was breathing quickly, but had slowed. she held her eyes tightly

Shut, and was waiting for him to kill her.

But pyramid head knelt down, and put his hand up against her cheek.

the woman held her breath as he brushed his hand gently against her cheek, then gently

Sighing after he pulled his hand away. Silent hill's executioner could be this gentle? she thought.

The woman slowly opened her eyes. pyramid head sighed, and stood up.

"Y-you're....not going to kill me..?" She mumbled.

Pyramid head just shook his head no, then held his hand out for her.

She blinked, and slowly grabbed onto his hand.

he pulled her up off the ground. "T-Thank you."

She stuttered. he nodded politely.

the two walked along the streets of silent hill silently.

"Im Ellie." She finally broke to silence. Suddenly a voice came from underneath pyramid head's helmet.

"Nice to meet you..Ellie." He said, pulling his blade along.

Ellie sighed. "How did you get here, Ellie...?" He asked with question.

"I had....I had too." She stated. "My family has gone crazy. S-Something called me here.." She said, her voice trembling.

Pyramid head sighed.

Ellie had gotten a headache from the fog and lack of direction. she closed her eyes,

And as she kept walking, she ran into a pole.

Pyramid head chuckled. Ellie whimpered and held her head, then sighed.

Pyramid head stopped, and looked back to Ellie, and asked: "are you alright..?"

Ellie nodded and carried on. Soon the got to an apartment complex, and silently went inside.

Nobody was around. Everything was in its place, as if the inhabitants of this place disappeared.

The towering demon led on as the small, human crept behind. P.H led her to an apartment labeled "108" and entered.

It was a fairly nice apartment, it seemed to be untouched. Everything was in it's place.

he signaled Ellie to come in, and she did. she quietly walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Thank you...again for not killing me. She breathed.

"You're welcome." He stated.

It was around 3:00 AM when Ellie woke with a jolt.

She heard sirens. her breathing increased quickly, and looked around the dim room for the monster

That had helped her up.

She couldn't find him. Ellie stayed on the couch, watching the apartments cliché painted walls

Peeled away, and was replaced by corroded, blood colored fencing. Suddenly Ellie hit the ground, and was engulfed in darkness.

"Ellie, Ellie are you alright...?" She heard from her half conscious state. She mumbled, and slowly sat up. Pyramid head was Next to her, motionless.

"Im fine, I'm fine." She spoke. pyramid head let out a sigh of relief.

"Im glad you're alright." He said.

Ellie smiled.

She crawled onto the couch, and slept.

pyramid head sighed and picked her up gently, and placed her onto the bed in the apartment.


(im sooo sooo sorry I havent updated this in awhile!)

The sirens.

All ellie could remember was the sirens. what became of that monster that helped her? where was he?

ellie didnt know anything. she rubbed her head, confused.

"what is going on..?" she said to herself. Ellie grabbed her head and cringed. The smell of rot and decay filled her nose. She gagged and held her stomach. Was this all a dream? Or was it reality? Ellie bent over and threw up. She looked around, and slowly stood up. She felt dizzy from the stench of decay, but pushing through it she made it into what seemed to be the living room.

"What the fuck happened...?" She gasped, looking around the once nice looking apartment.

Suddenly she heard the sound of a rusty, steel blade being dragged across the floor.

Loud thumps were getting closer and closer to her. She panicked, and hid in a nearby closet.

"Don't let IT find me...please..." She thought to herself.

Pyramid head entered her view. "P-P.H...!" She whispered loudly.

He looked over to the closet, and saw Ellie hiding in it. leaned his blade onto the wall next to the door, and beckoned her out. "you're safe."

The two sat together on the couch. The room was dimly lit by some candles ellie had found.

"You never answered my question, ellie."


"How did you get here?"

"Something called me here."

"Pyramid head nodded, staying silent.


The two sat on an old, musty couch in a different apartment. Ellie felt her lungs tighten,
As if someone was causing her distress. She broke out into a coughing fit.
"E-Ellie...?" P.H turned slowly, watching her.
"I-I'm fine.." She said, coughing once more and clearing her throat.
Ellie coughed again. she sneezed, and sat up.
Pyramid head sighed.

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