Chapter 3

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Author’s Note:

This is a really short one but I hope you enjoy. Ignore any typo’s and I hope you like it. Votes and comments appreciated! :)

Chapter 3

I sat down outside the Headmaster’s office, on my mobile, waiting for Matty to come out. Mr Jameson had chosen to speak to all of us individually and everyone else had been sent back to lesson by now. I was last because I’d have to go in after Matty.

The plastic chair I was sitting on was cold and the corridor was quiet. It was an eerie quiet as though I wasn’t actually as alone as I thought. My head shot up to the left fast and guess who I saw? No prizes for this one.

A boyish figure was slouching against the wall, his hands over his chest. It was the boy from the party. The one I still didn’t know the name of. He was smirking at me.

“How long have you been standing there?” I tried to ask calmly but it was pretty hard with him looking so damn gorgeous.

He shrugged. “Not long.”

“And what are you doing out of class?”

“I was sent out so I thought I’d go for a walk.”

“Hmm.” I said, trying to sound uninterested. I looked back down to my phone.

“So, what are you doing outside the Head’s office?” he said. “You don’t strike me as the bad type.”

“Well you don’t know me very well.”

“That’s true.” He said softly. He sounded a lot nicer than when we’d first met. “But I’d like too.”

Now this made me look up. What?

He grinned, still slouching. “Got you.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re such a kid.”

He didn’t like that. He moved from his slouching position. “You don’t know me either.” He said defensively.

“Never said I did.” I said, sliding my phone into my pocket and looking at him properly. His ocean blue eyes were staring at me but I tried desperately not to be the first to look away. I won. He sighed and turned away, then walked closer to me and sat in the plastic chair besides me.

“So, why are you here?” He said, leaning casually back in his chair.

I studied his face. He seemed calm again. “Tell you what – I’ll tell you, but only if you’ll tell me your name. Deal?”

He put his head back and closed his eyes, as if thinking. “I don’t know if it’s worth it.” He said, sitting up with a grin.

“I’ll find out anyway.”

“You’re probably right.” There was a pause. “Okay, my name’s Joe.”

I looked at him carefully, trying to tell if he was lying. “Joe?”

“Yes, Joe.”

“Joe what?”

“Joe Hardy-Trumpeter.”

I snorted. “You can’t be serious.”

He gave me a blank look. “Now you see why I didn’t want to tell you my name?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t lie. That’s not you name… is it?”

He rolled his eyes. “Well if you’re just going to laugh…” he said, getting up.

“No, I’ll stop.” I said, my eyes watering.

He rolled his eyes again. “Are we still on for Saturday?” He asked.

I forced myself to calm down a little. “Well nothing’s changed since I last saw you, no.”

“Just asking.”

“Wait ‘til I tell Lily your name.” I grinned.

He gave me a dry look. “This Lily girl… Is she nice?”

“She can be.”

“Hmm. Anyway, now I’ve told you. Cough up. Why are you here?”

“Fight.” I said simply.

He raised an eyebrow. “You? In a fight?”

“Well no… Matty was…but it was my fault.”

“I thought you guys were just friends?” he asked sceptically.

“We are.”

“Doesn’t sound like it. Not that I care of course.”

“Of course.” I mimicked. “Anyway, shut up. We’re friends.” I said defensively. People were always trying to say we were a couple. It just wasn’t like that.

“Chill.” He said, putting his hands up in surrender and turning to leave just as the office door finally opened. I stood up, ready to face my punishment.

“Logan? What are you doing out of lesson?” Mr Jameson’s voice was harsh but tired.

I turned round to face Joe... Logan… whatever. He gave me a guilty look.

“Okay so maybe my name isn’t Joe Hardy-Trumpeter…” he said slowly.

“Skylar! In my office now. I need to speak to both you and Matthew.” Mr Jameson barked, making me jump and turn back round. “And Logan, get back to class.”

I was about to walk towards Mr Jameson when I felt a head near my ear.

“Logan. Logan Shaw. Happy?” He whispered in my ear, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I swear he did it just to get me going.

“Not really.” I thought aloud and he laughed carelessly. I walked towards Mr Jameson’s office and entered it quickly to save any more embarrassment.

Despite my good sense, before I went in, I had to take one last look behind me.

But Logan was already gone.

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