8. Demonstration...

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Sorry for the wait, I've super busy preparing for school, but here you go!

Also I'll be putting two hopefully three more chapters up soon!

In the training room

Percy's POV

I'm am very happy to train again, it has been so long since I practiced anything! Let me just say that the training room is huge!! There is a target range, a bunch of weight lifting equipment and punching bags. There is an actual track field and in the middle of that is a sparring ring. I was in aw, it's so cool. Steve lead us all to the track and began speaking.

"Alright Percy, Thor says you're very powerful and honestly we are not sure if we believe him but from what we've all experienced, we will let you demonstrate. But we are all wondering, what exactly can you do?"

"Well Steve I can do many things except for juggling, which is very hard to do. But I am trained in the Ancient Greek and Roman war combat, mainly with my sword. Archery is not an option, at all, I would probably accidentally shoot everyone in this room with one arrow, don't even ask." I said as I saw Tony about to question, I continued on "As I am the son of Poseidon I have the ability to control water and any liquid. I can also create storms and earthquakes, I can make myself evaporate and teleport. I am immortal and gained the powers of Fates, which I still need to figure those out. I can show guys later, but right now I really want to spar and I haven't trained in so long!"

Steve said "Okay" and turned towards the group "Who wants to spar with him?"

"Whoa, wait! Do you seriously believe that he is immortal and can do all that?! And the "Power of the Fates" seriously what the hell?!" Clint said angrily.

Bruce spoke up saying "Clint, he said he'll show us his abilities after sparring and so right now lets see how he can fight." Clint begrudgingly said fine and Nat walked up to the sparring mat and said looking at me "I'll spar with him. Percy do you have a preferred weapon?"

I stepped onto the mat after her "Yep, my sword" I pulled Riptide from my pocket while removing the mist from the room so they will not see a bat or something.

"But that's a pen?!" Tony exclaimed

I smiled, that never gets old. I took the cap off and Riptide is in sword form once more.
"What the hell was that! It's a freaking sword! How the hell did it do that!?" Tony started freaking out.

Nat had already grabbed the two daggers and was waiting for me.
We both got in position, she crouched down a little, with her knives in hand, prepared to attack. I swung Riptide a few times and held it in front of me, and bent my knees waiting for Nat to move. She leaped towards me her right hand swinging at my face. I leaned back just missing the blade, we moved around the ring exchanging blades, blocking and dodging. I decided to try and end it, while she came at me knives ready I spun my body and pivoted behind her and tripped her. Nat stumbled and turned to face me just as I brought Riptide up against her neck.

Nat looked at me with confusion but lowered her daggers. "How did you move that fast? You were just there in front of me, then you were gone."
"I'm just fast, do you wanna see my powers now?" I asked. Steve spoke up and started walking "Sure, follow me we have a pool."

"Cool!" I wonder how many things they have in this building. Steve lead us towards out of the training room and across the hall to a door that says pool in bold letters. Walking in I almost forgot how chlorine smells. There's some beach chairs and racks of towels. The pool itself is like those olympic pools, it's beautiful.

"Alright Percy, show us what you got." Tony said.
I walked towards the pool and stepped onto the water, walking across to the middle. Then I created a water horse the ran through the air circling the avengers. I preceded to make a whirlpool and then dump water on to everyone. Their faces were priceless! Me and Tony were the only ones laughing. Clint looked pissed and started yelling about stuff that I'm not listening to. I just pulled  the water from there bodies and put it back in the pool.

"That's just a little of what I can do, there's a lot more but, I don't really want to destroy New York." I told them.

Tony spoke up "Percy, that was awsome and you are so on this team!!"

"I agree with Tony that was very cool and we would like to have-"

"Not me!" Clint interrupted

Steve looked at him but continued on
"If you are interested we would all appreciate you joining the team."

I shrugged "okay, I don't mind, as long as I get free food, and Loki also joins."

"That can be arranged, Loki, we can see you abilitiesafter lunch." Steve told me.

"Perfect! I'm hungry and need food, Loki! Let's go!"

I ran and grabbed Loki's wrist went on upstairs dragging him along. He told me to wait a second. I went faster up the stairs this time, to the kitchen. When we stopped in the kitchen Loki looked at me in shock saying

"Was that really necessary?" I answered him with a yep, as I went through the cupboards finding some ramen . Loki joined me an the couch with a bag of cheetos, we ended up watching The Meg while we ate lunch.

970 words

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