Chapter 8

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"He's not going to come, is he?" Sugawara said to daichi who's about to board the bus

The school have finally ended and they're now on their way to the practice match against Seijou

"Let's go, We'll be late." Daichi said before entering the bus, suga followed suit

Unaware of the team there was a student running along the hallways of the school while clutching his bag tightly. Glancing on the window beside him he saw the bus left already which made him to stop to catched his breath

"Shit." Y/n mumbled

Inside the bus everyone was hyped up, well except for the one's who's seated at the back

"Hinata let's have pepero!" Tanaka offered, Hinata looked at him weirdly there were bags under his eyers

"O-oi Hinata, what's with that look on your face?" Tanaka asked

"Sorry.. I didn't kinda slept last night" Hinata said holding out his hand towards the window

"If we could open up the wind-Uwarghsgh" Hinata vomited over Tanaka's trousers causing him to panic

"S-sto.. STOP THE BUS!" Tanaka yelled.

The [H/C] hair male was running towards the station hoping he could make it in time on the practice match

'Shit.. I'm gonna be late!'

'why are you even trying?'

He frozed in place when suddenly negative thoughts flows right through his mind, he tried to shake it off as he continued to jog to find a taxi

'They left you, remember?'

As he was running the image of the bus leaving with his Supposedly teammates left him

"They...left me" He muttered as his pace starts slowing down, shaking his head he slapped his cheeks with his hands drawing attention towards him

"No time for negative thoughts, Y/n" He whispered as he began running again

His heart was beginning to pound faster due to the adrenaline from running too much, his sides began to hurt as well. He ran and ran and yet he couldn't find a taxi he could ride, looking down at his watch he was already fourty minutes late.

"Fuck..this isn't good!" He said running his fingers through his messy [H/C] locks as he sighed frustrated


Daichi and the rest have already arrived and was now warming up, getting ready for the match

"You think we should've wait for him?" Ennoshita Muttered beside Tanaka who's glaring at their opponents, He sighed wheen he didn't get an answer from the second year

"Where's Y/n-senpai? He's not here.." Hinata trailed off while looking for a [H/c] hair male but couldn't find one

"Alright! Everyone get in position the match is about to start" Daichi announced startling Hinata

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