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Chenle stood in one of the aisles, keeping his gaze pointed towards the pair outside. He could only read their body language, but even that was enough. Renjun seemed tense, gripping and loosening his hold on the sides of his shorts while speaking. His eyes tried to hold Jeno's, though the younger seemed to find it much harder to return.

Well, he is cute, Chenle thought, reaching out to grab a packet of crisps. But there's something odd about that guy. Renjun never mentioned how stiff he was....

He stared down at the junk food stacked upon the shelves, releasing a long sigh and scratching the back of his neck. He wasn't sure what it was he was feeling. Worry? Excitement? Anxiety? He wanted what was best for Renjun, and for him to be happy.....but he had always thought it would come in the form of someone else.

Na Jaemin.

The youngest Chinese male, since he was little, had always imagined that Renjun would end up with Jaemin. Yes, Chenle had developed a silly little infatuation with the boy, but it was something he would tease his cousin with, rather than pursue.

I can't believe he's held onto this Jeno person for as long as he has, were his initial thoughts, though things changed. Maybe he had gotten this whole situation wrong, and Renjun really did only see Jaemin as this childhood friend figure. That's too cruel, Jun. Can't you see how he looks at you?

The sensation of a shoulder brushing against his own startled him, making him leap back in surprise.

A tall blonde stood before him, blocked from going any further. "Oh....." he frowned, "Sorry, did I scare you?"

Chenle blinked, waving it off and standing in to let him pass. "No, I was just daydreaming."

"Kay," he nodded, shuffling towards the kiosk and out of sight. The older hummed to himself, absentmindedly reading over the package in his hands and subtly looking back at his cousin through the window.

The longer he watched, the harder it was to understand what was going on. Renjun appeared to be more uptight now, questioning the taller more than listening. They were out there so long, that the same blonde he had bumped into brushed past them as well.

I want to know what's happening, Chenle decided, shuffling towards the cashier and placing his item onto the counter.

"Yeah, I'm Jaemin's friend," Renjun responded to the ravenette's odd question. Somewhere deep inside, a place he had never wanted to explore, was angry. Angered by the fact that he was finally talking to the guy he liked, and it was about Jaemin!

Jaemin, Jaemin, Jaemin, Jaemin. He somehow has it all, doesn't he? The brunette thought, moving his hands to over his stomach to play with his fingers.

"He....." the taller tilted his head, bringing his own hand up to play with a few strands of his hair, "He talks about you a lot. I've been wanting to know what you looked like for a while...."

He talks about me?! Why?! Why would he do that?! "Oh," the older nodded slowly, swallowing the dry feeling in his throat, "Do you know Nana well? Are you both," he exhaled strongly, "Close?"

Jeno faltered, catching his lip between his teeth. "Not particularly. He tends to just.....talk to me. I can't get rid of him, really." Oh god, I didn't just say that! I don't mind him that much. Stop sounding so mean!

"He is pretty clingy," Renjun chuckled, fanning his face with his hand to disperse the heat. "I can't shake him off when he's in a mood."

Because he loves you! Jeno wanted to argue, feeling quite irritated that he was so oblivious of this fact. Why haven't you noticed him? He's....

Wherever his thoughts were about to go was interrupted. Chenle stepped out if the shop and gave Renjun a look. It was apparent that he wanted to leave, though the oldest wasn't quite done yet. He had one more question.

"Do you....." he began, digging his nails so far into his palms that he not only drew a little blood, but snapped his index nail. "Do you dislike me?"

Jeno froze, eyes wide as he paid full attention to the boy for the first time. His shoulders tensed up at the possible confrontation. "No. I don't dislike you.....why?"

"Well, you always seem to want to leave. I don't know, I spoke to you that time outside the theatre, and then you fixed my hair in P.E as well.....I guess I'm confused."

Why does it matter to him? We don't even  know each other, the ravenette was inclined to wonder, though he responded all the same. "I don't mean to come off as rude. Various problems I have lead to me being the way I am."

"I see. Well...." Renjun cringed, wanting more than anything to say; I want to get to know you more. I want to see you more often. But he couldn't. He was practically shaking from the inside out. "Well, I guess I'll talk to you again sometime?"

"Maybe. Also, try to listen to what Jaemin is telling you. I feel like you're missing something."

Missing what? How would you know? Why do you care? The older frowned to himself. I know Jaemin better than anyone. What's he trying to say? "Um....okay."

Jeno politely waved, nodding his head at a confused Chenle's direction as well, before brushing past Renjun and disappearing from the street. Inside, he was slightly disappointed. He had imagined Renjun to be more 'special' or 'charismatic'.....when really he was normal. Just like the next teenager.

So what was Jaemin wasting his life away for? Why did he lose sleep over that boy? What did he see in Renjun that Jeno had missed? And why did his heart ache at the thought that Jaemin was just being strung along.

He deserved better.

And maybe....just maybe.....Jeno felt he deserved him.

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Now we have a complete triangle! *smiles evilly* and so the fun shall start...

Hope you're enjoying guys,

𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Where stories live. Discover now