Chapter 25I

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The blood trail was a challenge, a dare that was too tempting not to accept, even though Lekan knew nothing good could come out of it. Her death might even lay at the end but Lekan had played for time, she had stopped to rest and rest had brought nothing but restlessness.

It was time to put an end to the games, and the thought was as scary as taking her next steps. Lekan turned back, entering her room and heading straight for her backpack, survival kit, Nehemiah had joking referred to it as that when he had helped her pack and now she would make it one. She took one look at her seemingly asleep roommates and began to unload the contents of her backpack, she pushed away the clothing and tucked her small knife in the waistband of her bum shorts.

She considered her options, eyeing the bottle of water she usually kept near her bed at night in case she woke up thirsty and after a moment she took the bottle and shove it into the backpack, she took the small first aid kit Alisha had gifted her and put it in, she had never had to use it before and a shiver snaked down her spine as she imagined situations that would force her to.

Then she rose to pick up the broken piece of wood that Julianna kept to use to bully the younger children. Lekan felt the short piece of wood - it was barely as long as her arm - and felt it for nails, grinning grimly when a sharp edge jabbed her finger.

Zipping the backpack and slinging it over her shoulder, Lekan stood and checked on her roommates again, she tapped Julianna harshly, bracing herself for the blow she would receive from the taller girl but she flinched away when Julianna remained motionless. Panic began to grow as she repeated the same process with the other girls, it was only when she felt the hollow of their necks for a pulse did she relax slightly.

They weren't dead. Yet. But something was definitely wrong.

Lekan inhaled a shaky breath and walked out the room, tiptoeing as if there was something staring at her in the dark, she headed for the next room, and the room after that one, finding all its occupants the same way; not quite asleep but also not awake.

She hurried her steps, carefully avoiding stepping on the drying trail of blood.

She gagged as a pungent smell hit her nose, and when she turned sharply at the end of the hallway, she was not surprised to see the slouched body of a girl at the base of the stairway, when she bent to check, she saw that the dead girl was with half of her face ripped off with teeth.

Lekan stood, shaking off her fear and when she reached the brightly lit lobby, she was grateful for the electricity. It would be harder to hide when the whole compound was lit. Still she remembered the catatonic state of the girls and wondered if something was roaming the floor above her head.

Lekan scanned the lobby, finding it empty, and stiffening when she caught sight of the muted television set, as if someone had just been watching. The matron was dead and not one student was allowed access to the television, nobody except for the staff.

There was nothing too when Lekan stepped out into the open air, or so she thought until she heard the distinct hoot of the owl.

Before she could let the addictive fear course through and take over, Lekan dashed away, running towards the gate, and stopping a few times to hide behinds shrubs of flowers. At the gate, the police officers in uniform were lying on the sand, and there was so much blood that Lekan couldn't bear to look for longer.

They were dead, something had gotten through to them. Something was coming for her, for all of them.

Lekan couldn't summon the courage to head to the staffs quarters, she was afraid she couldn't stomach what she saw. With slouched shoulders, she returned back into the girls dormitory, noting the dark boys dormitory and hoping it was because nothing had gone into it yet.

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