Taking On the Tommo (A Louis Tomlinson Fanfic)

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“And the Winner of this season’s X Factor is…” I was holding my breath, clasping Kailynn’s hand tightly in mine. I could feel her shaking in anxiety and I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.  Tension was building up in the air and I didn’t know if I wanted to hear the announcement or not.

We had made it so far, I wasn’t prepared to lose. Nobody was, though. Someone had to go home.

But I hoped it wasn’t us.

I felt a large hand place itself lightly on my shoulder.

That would probably be our counselor, Simon.

The Simon Cowell.

I looked back at him and he gave me a gentle smile. I knew he was proud of all of us and that was definitely something. His other group, Broken Pacific, was sent home early in the show. They didn’t even make it to the Top Ten.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, letting the air out slowly. My heart was pounding.

“Silver Sunlight!!!” I felt my breath hitch and my body being crushed by three others.

“Lia! Lia! We did it!” Lacey screamed in my ear.

After the clapping, cheering, and shouting from the audience calmed down, so did we. All of us were beaming and Simon looked really happy.

We all held hands and giggled continuously as the announcers talked to Scarlett Fields about her coming in second place.

Scarlett was an amazing singer and I had no doubt in my mind that not only would we continue to be close friends, but she would make it big time even without winning. She was a gorgeous blonde with so much potential.

After a few minutes, she turned to us and we wrapped her up in a giant hug.

“AND THANK YOU, U.K., FOR STICKING WITH US DURING THE NINTH SEASON OF THE X FACTOR! GOODNIGHT!” And with that we were all ushered backstage to get off stage. All of the girls were buzzed with excitement and we were ready to party.


“Ladies, may I just say,” Simon started once we were sitting comfortably on the couch in our flat, “That I haven’t been this proud since One Direction sold their billionth album. You’re brilliant talented girls and I know we can get you to the top. Congratulations. Now go talk to your families!” We all cheered and hugged each other once again.

The four girls of Silver Sunlight were on their way.


Well, I guess I should go ahead and sum up what had happened so far, at least to the beginning of my time on the X Factor.

I, Julia Natalie Meyers, was dared to audition for the X Factor, an English talent show.

Why was I dared? My friends wanted to see if an American could get on the show. And admittedly, so did I. And there’s the fact that I never, ever, turn down a dare. Ever.

So as you probably guessed, I waltzed on down to where they were having auditions and what would ya know?

I made it.

I also survived boot camp and everything else they threw at me.

I auditioned as a solo artist, but the judges decided that I would be better in a group and thus Silver Sunlight was formed.

Our band consists of me, Kailynn Yorke, Lacey Meritt, and Olivia Madison. When we first found out, we all thought that we were being sent home and we broke down into sobs of happiness when we found out the news.

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